Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Got My Tool Belt On, Just Waiting For The Signal

Feeling A Little: Impatient
Playing A Little: Feeling Small (B-Side) by Marianas Trench
Recommending A Little: Siren's Eye (Hottest lead singer ever. :D)

So close... 23 days now :D I know I know. I should be sad blah blah blah but I'm really excited. Come on a summer to myself. Oh dear... I just realized that this is my last summer. Next year I'll be working like mad to pay for school and then after that the same thing or school. I am never going to have summer ever again. :( But... back to my count down and away from my tears. :D Its going to be so excited. I'm pumped!

Drag me away from these wretched University applications. I don't know what an H1 level is... or H2 or H3... all I got from it was IB. :( I'm no IB so tears. But its kind of cool having to do these applications. Soon I'll be free from this mess of a town. I do enjoy school here sometimes but really nothing is tying me down any more. No more Lincoln.

Ah Lincoln what am I going to do? The internet has made everything so damn impersonal. I'm not worried about losing touch with him I'm just worried about not knowing him. I mean I still talk to my Elementary friends and old Junior High friends but we don't know know each other. Internet/ text me is much different than the real world me. Its easier to express yourself in person. I'm not worried about Lincoln gone next year he can and should go. And is. It is awesome for him and I am happy for him... its after. Who knows what technology will be like then.

We've made all these silly plans for "Uncle" and "Aunt" to our kids but come on everyone makes fun of couples in high school that think they can last forever can a friendship really withstand the test of time and distance? Especially since we both have very different lives planned out. We both don't want anything special, just life. Neither one of us know where we are going to end up and its kind of concerning should we ever not end up near each other. We have lasted 5 going on 6 years with the most unconventional friendship and I don't doubt that we will always keep in touch but the loss of what we have now is what is concerning.

I guess I want to grow up but at the same time I kind of want to stay young and able to do whatever I want. My only responsibility is insurance and work. In the future I'll have a family and everything I've dreamed of. But at the same time I'm kind of comfortable where I am. Its been 17 years in the making now and someday I guess I'll have to unleash myself on the world and put a little work into molding the future generations.

Until the Next Song,

(A downer I KNOW!... Go watch Greek. It makes everyone happy. Especially Cappie)