Saturday, June 13, 2009

Teenage To Do List Has 2 More Things To Do Then I Can Turn 18

Feeling A Little: Complete
Playing A Little: Swing Life Away by Rise Against
Recommending A Little: Aerial Underground (One of the super awesome bands I hung out with.)

So last night and early this morning was AWESOME. You have to go on a teenage road trip before you turn 18 seriously. I had a blast. An Alberta road trip especially. God our road signs. I love them to death. "Important Intersection Ahead" and the billboard for western provinces to separate. I died of happiness right there.

Then there was Hot Guy... When not around him that is his name because he is unbelievable sexy. Really in person he is the nicest guy ever... broke my porn magazine virginity... but we broke his buying porn virginity so it was awesome. Then there was the naked mohawk drummer guy... that was interesting... That whole night was just epic. Really the best night I've ever had with complete strangers. I know a lot more about everyone than I ever cared to know but you know the more information the easier to stalk.

Oh the stories I could go on about... the road trip, the concert, the fire, the drive back to Garrets house. Doesn't feel like we did a ton but we did enough to make me fall asleep with the biggest smile on my face. Its surreal to think that I partied it up with a band... three bands. :D Lincoln and I are the coolest cats in town.

My fucking driving instructor is back. I thought she was out of my bloody life... Apparently not she loves me too much to let me go. Or hates me. She called me and was like "while we were on a lesson and you were driving you ran a red light. I got the ticket." So being naive was like okay well let me see it and I'll pay it I'm sorry. She was really bitchy about it too. When I picked up she was like "Good news I got a ticket in the mail." She is convinced I suck at driving. I may be inexperience but I am not as irresponsible as some. I try to pay attention and be the best but lets face it I've only had my license for 3 weeks, that does not make for a great driver. I'm still scared of parking lots but I'm more comfortable on the road.

So being scared that my insurance was going to go up I panicked at my dad. He was really mean about me calming down though. He talked me through it. He is going bitch on her ass too. Because logically thinking back it is not my fault. She has a brake and she is the instructor. She is apparently scamming me which now it totally sounds like she is. I'm not to pay anything which I am not complaining about. I was freaking out because my first insurance payment comes out soon and I was panicking about paying for that, gas, and my car. My dad is crazy when people are awful to each other so I'm actually a little frightened for her... he's apparently going to AMA to complain and quite possibly get her fired.

I hate her little bitch self righteousness. She should suck it up and so pretending that she is god. Seriously in our lessons I am sure she almost got us in accidents more than I almost got us in accidents. Like I appreciate that she taught me half of how to drive, like the skills but most of it came from talking to others and observing. I mean on my driver's I probably would have gotten just under 100% if she hadn't taught me horrible road skills, like always keeping in the right lane... Pfft.

She brought down my vibe from last night... :( I probably would've smiled till next week if not for that bitch. Seriously I'm getting back to REALLY happy but still I sobbed myself to sleep in a panic this afternoon because of her. I did it when I was a learner which any violation gets my license taken away so I was worried my driver's could get pulled or that my insurance sky rockets. Nothing happens except she gets whats bloody coming to her.

Although last night mixed with my recrushing on a oldish crush has me smiling again quickly. He and I actually are talking a lot more so the evil crush is back. Nothing is going to happen because I'm going to Edmonton in 2 weeks but I can get his cell number hopefully. Then we can chat all summer. :D Love him to death really. I'm just going to miss that class in general though...

Until the Next Song,