Thursday, June 11, 2009

Credit Cards Are Not Made For Cutting Up

Feeling A Little: Excited!
Playing A Little: Oh Ottawa by Two Kids Running Away
Recommending A Little: Taking Back Sunday

19 days! Then I get to leave. Perhaps I will feel sad before I go but right now its a new adventure in a new city by myself. Its like a practice run for university, where if I am in trouble I have people to help me... well and I get paid rather than paying. But I am alone. I seriously only feel excitement with a tinge of nervousness. I don't feel sad that I am losing my last summer with Lincoln... I need this not just as a get away but for university.

:D My Cambridge application... looks like :( I don't understand half this crap but I have 3 months so I may just get it done. :P Well my summer thing will be super awesome because then I can get a professor for a reference which no offense to Mr. Smith sounds better than a high school biology teacher. But if I get in I can go!!! My dad said we will take out loans galore if I get in because his credit score is back up... that was a sad story he told about having to cut up Platinum American Expresses and Gold Visas... It made the teenage girl in me cry with the anguish of cutting up such wonderful means of money.

Then tomorrow I get to go to Slave Lake with Lincoln. The road trip will be tons of fun but I also get to see Garret. :D I am so excited!!! Plus the concert. I am so psyched. This weekend in general is going to be fun... Then hopefully my car gets fixed today so I can go to Dawson Creek next weekend and visit the little Justin. He is so cute!

Ugh but then there is the predicament with my crush... I thought I was done and over with him... well as much as I could and then he starts like amicably talking to me all the time... Its usually over physics I must admit but sometimes it gets to Social... or toonie tuesday movies... :( Which I worked this week so I couldn't be like "Lets go!" Because I was tempted too but Kayce would kill me if I missed her shift.

This whole no Social thing is nice but I should probably get ready for Chemistry because unit tests cannot be skiped unfortunately. But its the easiest math you will ever do in your life so I'll live.... But excess and limiting reagents are stupid so maybe I won't.

Until the Next Song,