Monday, June 29, 2009

Sitting On A Suitcase, Waiting For The Train

Feeling A Little: Ready to Rock and Roll!
Playing A Little: Shake It, You're On Fire by Bad News Bears
Recommending A Little: CAKE

I leave in 14 hours. Weird. I'll be gone for 6 weeks. 6 weeks alone. By my lonesome. Budgeting and grocery shopping. Deciding whether I should eat or watch Harry Potter (HP of course. Can't miss spoiling the movie :D) I'm really excited and nervous... Nervous because I definitely am bringing a ton. Sure half of it won't be returning with me but still its a ton. And I feel weird carrying around a laundry basket. I'm sure I won't be the only one but still it looks like a lot of stuff... Probably because it is. :D

I should get on my driving playlist pretty lickity split because I don't want to listen to crap for 4 hours. :P Or the same thing over and over and over. Plus I need stuff to jam along too so I can sing and be a crazy lady attempting to amuse herself on a highway on a loooong trip. I'll like end up weeping in the middle because I'll think about EVERYTHING and then get to the sad/ depressing stuff. Could you imagine driving past this lady just sobbing in her car... weird sight I am sure.

OMG I am sooo happy I took Biology 30. This summer I am dealing with like all action potientals, the medulla oblingata and the lungs and neurons. I would be so screwed over if I didn't because that's like all I am doing. Perhaps I'll redo my diploma with the awesome skillz I obtain over the summer :D

Ah and I am supposed to find my soul mate soon... I vote he be a summer student from a different country who is so amazed by my awesomeness he stays in Canada. Because I'd miss him if he had to go home and he is obviously my soul mate so we'll have to marry and have my 4 kids. :P Well thats weird I know. I'm not really expecting a soul mate just some summer fun... or a cute boy to lust after.

Now I must finish packing and probably actually make that playlist. :D Then off to the big city to learn so shit about the respiratory system and perinatal rats. :D I'm so excited. I love Bio to death.

Until the Next Song,