Saturday, April 25, 2009

Do Svidanya!

Feeling A Little: Ready to Finish
Playing A Little: We Are Perfect by Audio Summer
Recommending A Little: Breathe Electric

I just want to school to be OVER! Its almost done but it doesn't seem like it can come fast enough. I am psyched for next year because although I purposely made it so I don't have any spares. I am going to have a blast. Finishing classes for like ever! Woo! Although I am actually retaking a course. Lame I know :P Better mark. Ha ha ha.

But soon I get out of GP. So its only for a week and I am like 4 hours away but I am still out! Plus I get a chance to wear my spancy new clothing, which cost 6 million dollars I swear. I am psyched to wear it though because I love getting dressed up. It will be an interesting experience too. I get to meet future contacts ;) Kay not really because I am definitely not a conservative. Maybe I'll be cool like the dude in Ontario and be an MP at like 20. Well or president of the US. My aunt has offered to help get the papers. :P

My imagination has been running wild. I have progressed from romantic notions (although PLEASE! I need him to be my partner!) to university. I can like see my last day in this house. My room empty, my sister eagerly throwing her stuff in. My dad being all teary like he sometimes gets. :D It seems so close yet so far away. Then I have gotten my hopes up about Cambridge again. I'm going to apply that's it. If I get accepted I'll see what I can do, if I get declined well I will have UBC.

I am in a very lets get this party started person right now. Woo! Life just needs to get its ass in gear and start. University will be a whole new start and I get to leave this town in the dust. The past is erased and I'm given a pen to ink my life onto an new sheet of paper. I have so many ideas and I just want to give up my pencil and complete these last few pages.

Oh and I am also learning Russian. I know "hello" and "goodbye". I'm going to be quadlingual. Not a word but I think it shall be awesome. And considering how no one reads this blog I think pretty soon I will need to pratique mon francais, practice my Latin (do not know how to say that in Latin though) and of course my Russian. What better way then writing about my life. I could probably do it in French already but... I am lazy :D.

Until the Next Song (or as I can now say: Do svidaniya!),