Saturday, May 9, 2009

High Fives, Pages and Politics (Missing Ya'll)

Feeling A Little: Sad (I miss them!)
Playing A Little: Fall Back Down by Rancid
Recommending A Little: Jamestown Story

That week had to be the best week I had ever had. I learned about the things I love annnnd I met some amazing people. Garret and Susie were awesome and I cannot wait for the concert in June. I miss everyone so much. Even the people I could barely stand. :( It'll be weird not waking up then having to drag a roommate out of bed. No more high fives and fist bumps with Garret. No more clapping after our NDP caucus is adjourned. It was a wonderful week.

I met some very cool politicians. The Speaker of the Leg, the Clerk of the Leg. ( I even wrote him a thank you letter), my new hero; Dr. David Swann, Greg Weadick (he was my replacement MLA since mine was in a commitee meeting) and the Deputy Preimere. I got to sit in the Leg, in the Hon. Ron Stevens chair (right beside Ed Stelmac's) and Dr. David Swann's. I got to pound on the desks and feel where the Mace is set (a little piece of heaven there).

It was an amazing week that will stick with me for the rest of my life. The people I meet I know will go off to do some amazing things and I am honoured to have gotten to know them. Especially Garret who is off to volunteer across Canada, he I know will be something. I know I am going to do something and this really helped me see that. Although it might be nice to sleep in my own room again.

GAH! Why are governments so complicated at times?! I am trying to apply for a page program and like I know if my high school schedule will allow or if BC even offers one! I think it would be an amazing opportunity and it would get me out of GP... even if it is just to Edmonton. But the people I could meet and the things I could learn is immense.

Well enough about my new politics career... costing me $15! Ouch. :P I really actually don't have much more to say... thats basically my past week so I'm going to stop.

Until the Next Song,
