Saturday, April 18, 2009

Oh Johnny Where Art Thou?

Feeling A Little: Surprised
Playing A Little: Fuck You by Lily Allen
Recommending A Little: The Afters (MySpace Girl is such a stalker song. :D)

Its May in two weeks. Two short weeks. After May comes June and exams. Wasn't it December like yesterday? :D It sure feels like time has been squished. Not that I mind because it means everything I want is coming closer. My license :D My summer research program :D My concert :D My university applications :D! Its like life is going good (besides my current throbbing head which is the product of a late night). Sure there are things I want to change but I am putting along happily.

:D OMG and its like 6 months until I apply to universities! I am so excited! Maybe I am a little cocky but I think I'll get into my first choice. UBC. Then of course I should get on finding a few more enjoyable second choices or I'll end up like Blair. :P Although I wouldn't mind attending NYU... Although New York fucking scares me.

I am running into a little fiscal problem though. I have gotten into a spending spree, in the time I need to save save save. I have insurance to think about soon, and ugh gas. Then I am unemployedish over the summer... kay so I work a 35 hour week but I don't know how much a university pays. But I do have a shopping spree that I have an excuse for. I need dressy clothes and that is going to be like 6 million dollars but fun none the less.

Gah! I give up on whitening my teeth, strips fall off and trays are just well I end up salivating a ton and swallowing the shit. I won't have my pearly white teeth for my TV show in the future *cries*. Awful I know. :D I'll be a scary politian who got all her teeth pulled and wears dentures to have perfect teeth. These trays have 7 days before I resign myself to that fate. Please work! :P

Ah and my crush... Nope. I don't know I just am tired of nothing so I am falling out of a crush which is good I guess. Like I liked him actually but I don't see anything happening and so I am the "happen now" or just don't happen type of person. So nothing is happening so I'll continue talking to him but not hope for anything. Besides I am in a big city (ish) for 6 weeks (hopefully) and so perhaps I'll meet my Johnny as my father hopes and fall passionately in love. :D No hopes at all for that though.

Until The Next Song,