Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm Feeling Some Gravitational Attraction Between You and Me, Baby

Feeling A Little: Bold
Playing A Little: Doctor Doctor by Amy Can Flyy
Recommending A Little: Teen Hearts

Ah how fast the week has gone. Not that I mind it is going so fast it just seems sometimes a pause would be nice. Like I sort of had the afternoon off, we'll just say it took me a REALLY long time to drive home (2 hours and I was going to beat my instructor pretty soon), and I came home ate then slept because I am just exhausted. Whenever I have time off it seems I sleep, because when I don't I definitely never have time to sleep.

I am kind of nervous for May too because I have to miss school. I have been awesome this semester with not missing any school. Keeps my marks nice and high :P Sometimes. Then bam! I miss a full week. Like I couldn't be cool and have this thing on a week where we only had 3 days, nope 5 I miss. Like another spring break... in damn expensive clothes. Suits are sooo expensive and I don't even want to think about how much my gorgeous pearls are. Thought it would be like a rope of pearls but its not. Tres pretty.

But June 27, Saskachewan here I come... Why? No damn clue. Lincoln and I are going to pack the sammiches and Gatorade and just go. This of course is going to be me being spontaneous. :P After my last exam I have a week until my hopeful summer internship and I need to make the best of it. After all its my summer. :P Actually I am really excited for my summer stuff. New people to meet, connections to make... and maybe perhaps a future career (even though right now I am REALLY into this politics career thing).

I am kind of nervous for next year though. Lincoln is going to be gone (sending me chocolate of course :D) and he is really my only close close friend. I am sure if I tried harder I could have more but I am comfy with him. He was my first friend in GP and as much as we are different we have in common so its a happy balance. I really am going to miss him to death. He can go hang out with my crazy mummy. :D

So we had this assembly, sad and not really sad. The girl who died I had no sympathy for. I felt more sorry for her family. Not that anyone deserves to die and the kids who did it were cold blooded but be smart, don't pretend to be someone different. So I did for a few years, I would cave to peer pressure. Not that I made stuff up but at times it seemed I needed to play it up. Teenage angst. I tried really hard to be compatible with someone who I wasn't. I wanted that friendship that everyone wants but didn't realize how miserable it made me. I am a fiercely independent person and having someone telling me what to do and making demands just doesn't work.

I've kind of in these past few months have reverted to pre life mess Zoe. I am back to my smiling laughing self (right out of the womb smiling. :D) but also back to the prissy rules are there for a reason person. Not that I mind, I think half the reason I am back to that is a) it was the winter brr and b) my grades are requiring me to be in class (I'm being a lazy ass, but an attentive lazy ass). This car thing might help though. I am stoked! One of the first things I am going to do is drive out to Dawson Creek because I have to see the adorable Justin and visit his mummy again :D. I am pretty excited.

Ah physics bringing together lovers everywhere, literally gravitational attraction dudes :P. And me and my crush. So not exactly together together, but at a table studying. Hurriedly because he had a test but I was there. :D I was a little bold in my here I'll help you then kind of just coming to his locker. It was his adorable day too, he had this jacket that looks amazing on him and he wore it today. I've actually gotten to the point where I can be normal, no skipped heart beats. Perhaps I want that but I prefer my new I don't care what happens but you're attractive and there is no harm in being friends. :D Plus I'm a sexy beast so who could resist. Ha ha ha oh what the assemblys have taught me this week.

Until the Next Song,