Sunday, March 29, 2009

Strumming My Ukele

Feeling A Little: Content
Playing A Little: Passion For Publication by Anarbour
Recommending A Little: Flight 409

I think in these past few months I have managed to sort my problems. Stopping comparing myself with everyone around me helped. I have acknowledged that I am never going to be the prettiest or the smartest but I am okay with that. I am happy with who I am. I may not be gorgeous or thin but I am also not the most hideous. :P I am also becoming very content with just learning. I've decided to soak in the knowledge. Nerdy I know... and wrong but I gave up on my grades.

I am not going to be an ivy league graduate of 2014 but you know what I can party in Kelowna instead and know some of my classmates before I go. We never know too, perhaps I'll love Edmonton so much I'll never want to leave. I have been one surprise after another for myself. Its actually thrilling to just take life by the horns and screw the plans. I am smart enough to dig myself out of a hole if I get into trouble. With my preparations in high school I can do whatever I want. So I am keeping my grades good but I stopped stressing about how high I think they need to be.

I actually have totally taken up the violin. Not wonderfully of course... :D Kind of told my sisters Obsessed's playing was me. :P I definitely can barely play my D-scale. Plus I don't have a full violin which I shall get soon. I am attempting with little hope for success to get into orchestra. I think it would be fun and totally unacademic. Plus I have the spares to do with what I want. Spares sound boring and so orchestra would be a nice add. But there is like such a small chance I am not overly optimistic.

Ah and my crush because well I find the need to. I don't know if it will go anywhere other than this blog and the few people I have told and they like immediately forget. He is like the guy that all the girls love so *sigh* little hope for me. I am fine with that though because he is fun to talk to... when he pays attention to the fact I am talking to him. :D Ah I'd make an awful girlfriend though. I don't care about half the crap I am supposed to. Maybe I am a trusting boyfriend or I observe and have seen what works and what doesn't. Being glued at the hip, no; being overbearing and bitchy, no; making out in the halls, just icky. See awful I am not a PDA person, hug, hands maybe but I don't want to makeout in the hall.

Well this is kind of a scattered blog but I was being told to get over myself by Band Geek who because I haven't made her say it this year did just for tradition. :D Ah as much as it would be fun to be Grad VP I think she'd do an okay job at it. Bluck! Speeches tomorrow and I am essentially winging it. Good plans. :D

Until the Next Song,