Thursday, March 26, 2009

Because Sometimes It Fun To Be Proud (Hell Here I Come)

Feeling A Little: In Heaven
Playing A Little: Impossible and Never Practical by Settings
Recommending A Little: The Method To My Medium

I seem to have lost a great deal of my embarrassment lately. I for the first time looked... um we'll call him Cartoon because he has lame cartoon facebook pictures... in the eye. I haven't forever because I knew that he didn't like me and knew that I liked him. I don't anymore. I promptly stopped but I still was embarrassed that he knew. Now I am telling random people who I like, kay not random but people I normally wouldn't tell.

I seem to have random people to tell certain tidbits of my life. It used to be Batman and then would just spread out but now its like little things to people. I seem to share a great deal with... well everyone. Sure there are somethings that are just for Zoe but otherwise its other people.

Now I know it is supremely selfish to feel the way I do but I can't get over it. My teachers love me, I am very flattered by some of the things they say about me. Like I thought my physics teacher hated me, nope loves me and my avid interest in science. I love that word avid. I have no idea what my Bio teacher said but he appears to like me... or my name. When I am in the hall with someone he taught he goes "Hi" to them and always without fail "Hi Zoe" Its a little weird. Every conversation we have in the hall he has to drop a Zoe. Bizarre really, weirder that I noticed. :P

But I also have been deemed talkative enough to join envirothon. Or at least that's the reason my teacher told me she picked me. I am a shoo in for next year and Cavendish's replacement this year because she is running away to see animals cut up in 4H. :D I am not a huge environmental person but it sounds like the perfect competition for moi and it sounds like fun, plus who doesn't love showing off. :P

Now speaking of Cavendish, she reminds me of Obsessed (With the rules. :D) who reminds me of Lover Boy. Who I adore. I am pretty sure Obsessed was right when she told me a ton of girls were in love with him but he is as she put it cute. Plus he winked at me and said it wasn't for the answers, which I had just informed him were in the back of the book (they were). He is hilarious too and seems to be intent on getting me in trouble. :D I don't think I have a chance in the world of dating him but one can fantasize.

I finally got off my ass and got my university research applications done. I was a little hesitant at first to do them but now I am actually pretty psyched to be doing it (hopefully). A summer of science and running around a university. I don't know if I'll want to even return to high school. I have a driving force though to make next year more fun, orchestra. I probably won't be able to do it but one can hope.

Until the Next Song (Played by moi :D),