Sunday, March 8, 2009

Where Did The Time Go?!

Feeling A Little: Excited
Playing A Little: The Saltwater Room by Owl City
Recommending A Little: White Lies (Afraid its second hand though, Daniel Radcliffe apparently recommended them forever ago... who knew.)

So I am getting a car! Finally. I am like over the moon because its mine! Ugly as hell but it'll still be my baby. :D No idea what colour yet and I can't drive it for a month but... car! I have resisted getting a car because a) they are expensive and b) I don't have time to get a license but over spring break I do! So cross my fingers and toes after spring break I can cruise to school in my smexy new Mercury Topaz. :P Freedom though. Means I can go out at night... or have more of an ability to.

I am such a loser. The one time I actually ask someone to a movie I get turned down because they are going to the same movie with someone else... then I don't have anyone (close) to ask. I am sure my friend in Dawson Creek would love to, or my friends in Armstrong but alas I don't think they have the resources to get to my "wonderful" city. Like I did not mind spending my night sobbing over Shopaholic because Luke Brandon will never be mine but I really did want to see Watchmen. :D Well although if I got off my ass I might have gone but once I see 18A I panic and decide never to watch the movie.

Oh my goodness though! I was watching the news and being like "on the 19th of last month Obama wasn't president what are you talking about Jon Stuart?"... then I realized its March. Where on earth did time go? Not that I mind this whole time going by at insane rates but still I would like it to go at a speed slow enough that I can realize its a new month...

So my family totally ganged up on me this weekend. Making me totally want to pay for my own schooling. If they want to be asses about what I want to be then I have enough money to pay for school myself. So I'd be in debt but I wouldn't have the unbelievable pressure to get a doctorate. I don't think anyone has taken the time to see me. To see past my stupid school thing. The whole reason I do so good/ throw myself into it is so I can get it over with. I want to get my life rolling. At 25 I would rather be starting a family then starting my doctorate. My goal above anything else is to have kids. I could care less if I am a mail lady if I have kids I'll be good.

I get distracted when I write blogs these days... Reading my old blog posts. Its astounding how much I have changed, 3 months since my last Wizard Rock song, I listen to Jeffree Star (occasionally), Batman and I are... well Batman, Zoe. No more "and". But I definitely still feel like stabbing one of my classmates... I think everyone is waiting for it now. How little time can pass, how much we can change.

Until The Next Song,