Thursday, March 19, 2009

I Seem To Be Having Trouble In Bio, Wanna Help Me Study?

Feeling A Little: Dying (Work faster immune system)
Playing A Little: When I Grow Up by Mayday Parade
Recommending A Little: Punk Goes Pop 2 (Wicked CD)

So I am dying. If I had the choice right now I would rip out my throat. It hurts sooo bad. I guess I deserve it after not getting sick while everyone was dying left and right but no. Yucky blucky. I can't afford to miss school either. I have a quiz of some sort everyday and usually some sort of homework. Suppose that's what I get for taking all my sciences, which actually I like. Its just Social I want to go die in a hole.

Batman and I are actually like sort of back to normal. Its election time which probably helped. In no way are we as close as we used to be but we are back to amicably talking about something other than the manditory. Its kind of nice because right now seems like the perfect balence. When we weren't talking we were still trying to know what was going on with the other person. Now we know and aren't resorting to a person in between, Instead.

I am actually quite proud of my self with my crush. So I started overly zealous but thats because that is totally who I am, but now that I simmered it seems to be going better. Sure I doubt it will get anywhere and if it doesn't it just means we are closer. If it does, well that would be nice but I have given up counting my chickens. I've decided to let them be. Unfortunately this time I like a guy that has rules surrounding him. Blah. I have decided girls can just go to fucking hell. I'll date who I want and like who I like. Pretty sure I am a bad girl because I definitely don't abide to girl rules.

Anywho back to the actual guy, I actually had a discussion with him without the whole class hearing. It kind of ended in me telling him I was off to learn about the female reproductive system but you know what thats okay. Bio is a knee slapping class. OMG I am pretty sure I have to be one of the lamest people on the planet but I like it. I think my lamness has to be like THE favourite trait I posses. I am never embarassed about it either which is nice.

I am pretty sure I am an awful person because Bio makes me want to go out and get a boyfriend solely for the reason of seeing and feeling the reproduction system in action. ;) Cosmo also elicits this response but thats because its basically a magazine for the coupled women. The singles get the single bible which has to do with dating... Stupid.

I am pretty sure my reasons for a boyfriend fall under the "using" him catagory but I'd still make sure I'd like him. As I was telling Socks he definitely has to be funny, making me laugh is like a must but then again I laugh at everything. I wish I had a nice laugh, I laugh like my mum so its not attractive. He also have to be 6' + because I think I have this 6 feet fetish. Anyone shorter is like too short, it may be that I am 5' 8" (Stretching it really) and I love a taller guy. Also so toss able hair is a must because where is the fun in making out without hair to tug. :P

Any ways I am off to literally die. Yuck. Hopefully I can make it to school so I can go fratinize with my crush. Perhaps I can use a lame line like "Wanna come help me with my Bio, we're doing reproduction. I need a little extra study." I wish I had a wicked smile to go with that... unfortunately I just have nervous giggles and I would end up making a fool of myself.

Until the Next Song,