Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lets Road Trip It!

Feeling A Little: Unsure (and in pain)
Playing A Little: A Wolf Among Lilacs by Medicated Kisses
Recommending A Little: Matt White

Ah I feel the stress. Its crunch time this week and on top of that I now am forced to find a way to fit enviro-thon on the fly in. Its often on the weekends... I work on the weekends. Not the perfect puzzle piece. Then I have my summer research internship forms due soon and teachers are slow at getting me those references, plus the principal has to do one... he knows probably like my name only now with my harassing. Gah!

Oh my I have a stupid Social teacher too who I now have to work my ass off to get a good mark in my favourite usually one of my easy classes. He had to discount a test because the highest mark was 77%. Seriously I would have done better except he wouldn't believe me when I completely perfectly argued out the reason (the next day he said that my answer was right... but when I told him thats what I said, he told me I was wrong and the question was different). I give up on him.

I have sort of given up on my crush too. I don't see it going anywhere and I am out of my "I wish I had a boyfriend" frenzy. Now I am in the "Boyfriends are stupid and tie you down. WOO SINGLE!" mood. See I am balencing out a little more. I still like my crush but no boy is worth me obsessing and being smitten. I'll like him and just leave it at that. Perhaps at another time I'll be in love but otherwise I am good for now.

My classes (other than social) are going pretty good though. Mad at my Chem mark because it is over my Bio mark... by .2 % but Bio is my niche in the science community... Apparently I rock all three though because my physics mark is slowly on the rise, perhaps its the killing people in elevators. :D Actually I love looking at huge amounts of calculations. I get this weird thrill.

One thing I was thinking about the other day is I have not seen my psychologist is over 2 months. No mental break downs bad enough I owe her a visit. No mental break downs requiring me to miss a class. Nerdy I know but I need the best grades ever and so being mentally stable is good. My life is perfectly built and I can even slide something new in without breaking down into tears because I forgot about a quiz, I actually just sit down and study instead, risky I know. I can do something childish like watching pokemon (which rocks) at lunch instead of cramming in an essay.

:D I am happy. I have a crush who I am like but am not desperate for. I am on top of my classes. I am sort of healthy. My bank account is healthy enough for my car in a month! I am ready to roll for this summer which is going to be the best damn summer ever, because I won't be in GP. I figure if I don't get these summer internships I'll pack me up and road trip it to Victoria and work there for a summer. Its not GP and I'll have someone to stay with. If all that fails there is always the just random road trip to Calgary fun.

Until the Next Song (Or Fantasy),