Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Can't Wipe The Grin Off My Face (Its a Perma-smile!)

Feeling A Little: Over joyed!
Playing A Little: Misery Business (Acoustic) by Paramore
Recommending A Little: Goot

I am sooo tired but I think my happiness is keeping me going. I got my summer research program and I get to research respiratory diseases in infants. I am soooo excited! My dorm is gorgeous too. Single with a private bathroom. Could they put me up in a better place?! Coed too. :P I think. Maybe I will meet my Jonny or whatever and fall in love. Come back with a baby just to make sure I stay a long time. :P

Thats not all though! Garret may come up for Friday! I am like dying of happiness. It's been like a week and I still miss him like mad. I miss everyone like mad. :D He's going to come join my movie night too. I am so excited. High fives and fist bumps all round. I don't think I'll be able to contain my happiness I am wearing a permasmile.

I actually didn't know you could be this happy. :D My summer job is all lined up and my new friend is coming. God I sound nine with the new friend thing. :P Thats okay. Garret is awesome and we're going to dress up as Trekkies and go to Star Trek. Awesome I know. Jealous I know, I sympathize. I'd be jealous too. :D

Okay so this sick thing is get me a little down. I am all sniffly and coughy. Maybe its the swine flu. :P Someone said my symptoms are of that for mono. I told them that not a chance. I realize that mono is becoming less and less the kissing disease but seriously I don't want mono so I don't have it. Thats how it works. :D

I'm waiting on my mood breaker or maker right now. Whether or not Garret can come. Pray to god he can. Make it better. I had an awful physics test that I am thrilled to be done with. Nothing I can do. :D Then I get to go for my license on the 22 hopefully. Pray I pass. Not like my instructor gives me much hope though. "That was an automatic fail" God forbid I wasn't paying attention because you were yapping away. :D

I love how this is littered with :D But thats because that little man is like the perfect image of the perfect mood.

Until the Next (Rocking) Song,