Monday, May 11, 2009

To Call Or Not To Call? Why Is It Even A Question?!

Feeling A Little: Blucky.
Playing A Little: Steal Shit From Work by Despite All This (June 12... :D)
Recommending A Little: Two Kids Running Away (June 12 baby!)

Ah! I am so excited for June 12! For sure have to have my license by then. Get to see Garret and Susie again and a concert. Although Garret promised me a GP trip so I will hold him to it. He unlike me can already drive. Of course George promised me a trip too. :D Ahh living in a "big" city. :P I am like so excited to see one of them again. Its been 3 days now and I miss them like crazy.

The one HUGE problem with the forum... I missed a week of school. So much work missed and like no time to make it up. I managed to bump my Chem test back but my teacher was not very impressed. Then I had an awful Bio couple of pop quizzes. Sure they were open book but they were stupid open book questions. I really after being gone for a week want school to be over more than ever.

OMG I have to call the Sergeant at Arms... *hyperventilates* Like what if I change my mind and decided not to be a page in the middle of the conversation or he is really mean and I just want to be a smart ass back. The email just freaks me out. "Call me" Scary. I'll call but a) I live in Alberta so who knows how well that will go and b) I'm not good on a phone.

Ha ha ha I'm just going to take a moment to die a little of laughter. Garret has this girl who like molests him and her facebook status' are the greatest things in the world "
ugh didnt really wanna wake up today i had a amazing sleep XD still miss you Garret ♥ i ate breakfast alone today,i wanted to eat it with you :P" Scary I know. And all of them are like that. And her picture is of her and Garret... Hilarious. Amuses me her obsession :D On pictures of moi I actually changed mine after like 9 million years... Kay so it was like 4 months but my sister was being all bitchy about changing it.

Ugh my head hurts and I have a ridiculous amount of work and tests. Work will be a blast as I've missed a week and we have these weird clicker things. Go figure. Well I'll make it through and make it home to do... more homework. Sounds like a blast and a half.

Until The Next Song,