Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pedestrians Are There For Target Practice

Feeling A Little: Recovering :D and Anxious (again)
Playing A Little: Weeping Willow by The Hush Sound
Recommending A Little: The Killers

I survived. I was feeling awful all day then I came home and my dad like drugged me to death and I fell asleep. Then I woke up slightly more cured. I still feel icky but now I can move without my muscles screaming at me. :D So I am slightly more happy. I apparently am a miserable person when I am sick and no fun to be around. But I think the sickness-ness goes straight to my frontal lobe and like attacks my personality because I am always awful and I find it difficult to cooperate and not be a whiny sniffing girl.

Kay so sin sin sin to be proud but I am pretty sure God can suck it up because a) I totally stopped biting my nails. For how long? Who knows. b) I can parallel park all by myself. :D and c) I'm not failing school completely :D. I'm sure I was never failing and I've done better before in Physics and Chem and Bio but its sunny outside and I'm still going to class. A new thing for me. Last year my classes dropped so badly when May rolled around because I just didn't go.

Gah. I am pretty sure I'm never going to be in Federal politics. My french has to be the worse. I could send out awesome memos in French but I turn bright red in embarrassment and stutter like no tomorrow when I have to speak it. Like when I was taking my DELF and I was like insisting that I wanted Star Wars, it was like "nnnnon, non, jjje peuuuux Star Wars" Its awful and how am I supposed to talk in front of people. I am just not good at oral language parts, paper grammar I'm fine though. Bluck. I'll be the Leader of the Official Opposition in Alberta. Sounds cool.

My music dry spell has finally ended. God I hadn't found anything new that sounded different from what I usually listened to in so long... until Garret was awesome and gave me 3 CDs. Definitely made me happy. I love The Hush Sound and CAKE just amuses me because well its name is CAKE and Short Skirt, Long Jacket is the theme to Chuck. It was kind of cool because some of the songs I hadn't heard in so long and just had never owned.

Get to jam out to music soon while driving! Yay! One more week and I get to attempt this license thing. :D I am actually not that nervous. Mostly because if I fail I'm sure I'll survive. They let me take it as much as I want so it'll be good. I am collecting advice and why people failed their first times. Like one person failed because she stopped for a pedestrian when it was the middle of the road. So only stop at marked crosswalks, otherwise run 'em down. :D Gun 'er.

Until the Next Song,