Friday, May 22, 2009

Groceries, Laundry Detergent and Toilet Paper

Feeling A Little: Happy w/ a little Damper
Playing A Little: I Could Get Used To This by The Veronicas
Recommending A Little: Big Surrender

OMG I actually passed. Amazing. Annnnd I actually passed my drivers ed. :P It took some convincing of course because I apparently speed too much and I have a bad attitude. My bad attitude is probably because you tell me things that are wrong and that's why I got points off during my exam. Then there is the fact you had a good chuckle about me to your fiance. Sorry I'm very bitter about her. But license. Woo!

Gah! I am so pumped. My car should be drivable hopefully by Thursday and apparently my dad saw a picture and its P-I-M-P with a spoiler and everything. :P But gas went up. :( I get my license and car when gas goes up FML. But I finally did it so yay! I feel sort of more scared to drive by myself. Weird.

My rebellious ways are progressing. My hair is short... not blue though. Totally forgot about that. Too busy sleeping I guess. :P Perhaps I can rush a dye job right before Lincoln shows up to pick me up. I think its like 15 minutes so I can make it. :D He can wait 30 seconds for me to dry it too. My hair actually dries lickity split now so I could do it.

I'm actually a little scared to do this eyebrow thing. I will I know but my last piercing was when I was 5 and it was only a pinch but thats my face that is being poked. Who knows but I get to laugh at my sister. She is getting some Marilyn Monroe piercing then attempting to convince my father of a tongue piercing. He's a no which is okay by me because I have this teeth affliction and don't want anything to damage them and a piercing could chip them... Some how. He is also anti lip which I am not so much. I'd do it if I knew I wasn't going to kill myself. I bite my lip too much and so with a ring it would never heal because I'd play with it too much.

Gah! I really want school to be done now. I've learnt enough, exam me. Its not so much summer I want I just am bored with my classes so my attention is waning... not so good for the mark. Kay I so want to summer though because I get to be by my lonesome. :D Its going to be exciting. I'll have to buy groceries, laundry detergent and toilet paper. Weird I know. :D So stoked

Until the Next Song,

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pedestrians Are There For Target Practice

Feeling A Little: Recovering :D and Anxious (again)
Playing A Little: Weeping Willow by The Hush Sound
Recommending A Little: The Killers

I survived. I was feeling awful all day then I came home and my dad like drugged me to death and I fell asleep. Then I woke up slightly more cured. I still feel icky but now I can move without my muscles screaming at me. :D So I am slightly more happy. I apparently am a miserable person when I am sick and no fun to be around. But I think the sickness-ness goes straight to my frontal lobe and like attacks my personality because I am always awful and I find it difficult to cooperate and not be a whiny sniffing girl.

Kay so sin sin sin to be proud but I am pretty sure God can suck it up because a) I totally stopped biting my nails. For how long? Who knows. b) I can parallel park all by myself. :D and c) I'm not failing school completely :D. I'm sure I was never failing and I've done better before in Physics and Chem and Bio but its sunny outside and I'm still going to class. A new thing for me. Last year my classes dropped so badly when May rolled around because I just didn't go.

Gah. I am pretty sure I'm never going to be in Federal politics. My french has to be the worse. I could send out awesome memos in French but I turn bright red in embarrassment and stutter like no tomorrow when I have to speak it. Like when I was taking my DELF and I was like insisting that I wanted Star Wars, it was like "nnnnon, non, jjje peuuuux Star Wars" Its awful and how am I supposed to talk in front of people. I am just not good at oral language parts, paper grammar I'm fine though. Bluck. I'll be the Leader of the Official Opposition in Alberta. Sounds cool.

My music dry spell has finally ended. God I hadn't found anything new that sounded different from what I usually listened to in so long... until Garret was awesome and gave me 3 CDs. Definitely made me happy. I love The Hush Sound and CAKE just amuses me because well its name is CAKE and Short Skirt, Long Jacket is the theme to Chuck. It was kind of cool because some of the songs I hadn't heard in so long and just had never owned.

Get to jam out to music soon while driving! Yay! One more week and I get to attempt this license thing. :D I am actually not that nervous. Mostly because if I fail I'm sure I'll survive. They let me take it as much as I want so it'll be good. I am collecting advice and why people failed their first times. Like one person failed because she stopped for a pedestrian when it was the middle of the road. So only stop at marked crosswalks, otherwise run 'em down. :D Gun 'er.

Until the Next Song,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Can't Wipe The Grin Off My Face (Its a Perma-smile!)

Feeling A Little: Over joyed!
Playing A Little: Misery Business (Acoustic) by Paramore
Recommending A Little: Goot

I am sooo tired but I think my happiness is keeping me going. I got my summer research program and I get to research respiratory diseases in infants. I am soooo excited! My dorm is gorgeous too. Single with a private bathroom. Could they put me up in a better place?! Coed too. :P I think. Maybe I will meet my Jonny or whatever and fall in love. Come back with a baby just to make sure I stay a long time. :P

Thats not all though! Garret may come up for Friday! I am like dying of happiness. It's been like a week and I still miss him like mad. I miss everyone like mad. :D He's going to come join my movie night too. I am so excited. High fives and fist bumps all round. I don't think I'll be able to contain my happiness I am wearing a permasmile.

I actually didn't know you could be this happy. :D My summer job is all lined up and my new friend is coming. God I sound nine with the new friend thing. :P Thats okay. Garret is awesome and we're going to dress up as Trekkies and go to Star Trek. Awesome I know. Jealous I know, I sympathize. I'd be jealous too. :D

Okay so this sick thing is get me a little down. I am all sniffly and coughy. Maybe its the swine flu. :P Someone said my symptoms are of that for mono. I told them that not a chance. I realize that mono is becoming less and less the kissing disease but seriously I don't want mono so I don't have it. Thats how it works. :D

I'm waiting on my mood breaker or maker right now. Whether or not Garret can come. Pray to god he can. Make it better. I had an awful physics test that I am thrilled to be done with. Nothing I can do. :D Then I get to go for my license on the 22 hopefully. Pray I pass. Not like my instructor gives me much hope though. "That was an automatic fail" God forbid I wasn't paying attention because you were yapping away. :D

I love how this is littered with :D But thats because that little man is like the perfect image of the perfect mood.

Until the Next (Rocking) Song,

Monday, May 11, 2009

To Call Or Not To Call? Why Is It Even A Question?!

Feeling A Little: Blucky.
Playing A Little: Steal Shit From Work by Despite All This (June 12... :D)
Recommending A Little: Two Kids Running Away (June 12 baby!)

Ah! I am so excited for June 12! For sure have to have my license by then. Get to see Garret and Susie again and a concert. Although Garret promised me a GP trip so I will hold him to it. He unlike me can already drive. Of course George promised me a trip too. :D Ahh living in a "big" city. :P I am like so excited to see one of them again. Its been 3 days now and I miss them like crazy.

The one HUGE problem with the forum... I missed a week of school. So much work missed and like no time to make it up. I managed to bump my Chem test back but my teacher was not very impressed. Then I had an awful Bio couple of pop quizzes. Sure they were open book but they were stupid open book questions. I really after being gone for a week want school to be over more than ever.

OMG I have to call the Sergeant at Arms... *hyperventilates* Like what if I change my mind and decided not to be a page in the middle of the conversation or he is really mean and I just want to be a smart ass back. The email just freaks me out. "Call me" Scary. I'll call but a) I live in Alberta so who knows how well that will go and b) I'm not good on a phone.

Ha ha ha I'm just going to take a moment to die a little of laughter. Garret has this girl who like molests him and her facebook status' are the greatest things in the world "
ugh didnt really wanna wake up today i had a amazing sleep XD still miss you Garret ♥ i ate breakfast alone today,i wanted to eat it with you :P" Scary I know. And all of them are like that. And her picture is of her and Garret... Hilarious. Amuses me her obsession :D On pictures of moi I actually changed mine after like 9 million years... Kay so it was like 4 months but my sister was being all bitchy about changing it.

Ugh my head hurts and I have a ridiculous amount of work and tests. Work will be a blast as I've missed a week and we have these weird clicker things. Go figure. Well I'll make it through and make it home to do... more homework. Sounds like a blast and a half.

Until The Next Song,

Saturday, May 9, 2009

High Fives, Pages and Politics (Missing Ya'll)

Feeling A Little: Sad (I miss them!)
Playing A Little: Fall Back Down by Rancid
Recommending A Little: Jamestown Story

That week had to be the best week I had ever had. I learned about the things I love annnnd I met some amazing people. Garret and Susie were awesome and I cannot wait for the concert in June. I miss everyone so much. Even the people I could barely stand. :( It'll be weird not waking up then having to drag a roommate out of bed. No more high fives and fist bumps with Garret. No more clapping after our NDP caucus is adjourned. It was a wonderful week.

I met some very cool politicians. The Speaker of the Leg, the Clerk of the Leg. ( I even wrote him a thank you letter), my new hero; Dr. David Swann, Greg Weadick (he was my replacement MLA since mine was in a commitee meeting) and the Deputy Preimere. I got to sit in the Leg, in the Hon. Ron Stevens chair (right beside Ed Stelmac's) and Dr. David Swann's. I got to pound on the desks and feel where the Mace is set (a little piece of heaven there).

It was an amazing week that will stick with me for the rest of my life. The people I meet I know will go off to do some amazing things and I am honoured to have gotten to know them. Especially Garret who is off to volunteer across Canada, he I know will be something. I know I am going to do something and this really helped me see that. Although it might be nice to sleep in my own room again.

GAH! Why are governments so complicated at times?! I am trying to apply for a page program and like I know if my high school schedule will allow or if BC even offers one! I think it would be an amazing opportunity and it would get me out of GP... even if it is just to Edmonton. But the people I could meet and the things I could learn is immense.

Well enough about my new politics career... costing me $15! Ouch. :P I really actually don't have much more to say... thats basically my past week so I'm going to stop.

Until the Next Song,
