Saturday, February 7, 2009

Let's Sit Around And Talk About How Lame We Are

Feeling A Little: Content with now, Excited for later.
Playing A Little: New Math by Bo Burnham (Future husband I swear)
Recommending A Little: Kill Paradise

Life is good. Its putting along at a pace which I vote it picks up. I want it to be January next year. I crave the tears and the unbelievable excitement (cross my fingers). The tears depend on the verdict of the letters I get. I have been thinking about it a lot and basically it will be the best moment of my life.

I literally only think about university... mostly because it seems life finally will get rocking, and in a good way. Plus I like the states a lot more now that Barack Obama is president... maybe I'll end up there instead of England.. :P Nah. The guys have to be better than my boring city because really every guy needs to learn what a shower is... and soap. Its oil country unfortunately. More unfortunate because I totally made an Edmonton Oilers reference.

I am going to be broke though because Instead was stupid and introduced me to all this new music, which I love to death. His music is much different then some of the stuff I listen to but I have always had a little (kay huge) love for technoie, dance music so his music rocks. So I basically own like half of iTunes.. :P

I promised myself I wouldn't do a rant about Batman but I think I deserve a little one... I feel oddly free. I stepped on Socks foot the other day and we laughed. I didn't get snarled at and told that I would get kicked in the shin if I did it again. No matter whether or not it was an accident. Its kind of like my parent's divorce, a little less expensive, a little more teenage bitch. You see what you gave up for the friendship, the things you've gained in "breaking up" and the things you lost in the "break up". I think this is the right thing though because the things that happened before the final incident were just two girls being awful to each other. Perhaps one day we'll be friends again but right now we need a break and we need to just go off to our respective friends.

Well I have done stupid heartless things but Batman has done the same. Now we can kind of explore ourselves without that pressure of that friendship. I know that Instead and I have yet to be burdened because he like the same type of music and to me music is my life line so that connection is good. Dokkie- is well that guy I say "hi" to in the halls it seems but with him I am not sure if we'll get through. And despite this whole friendship debacle I am doing good. No break downs... well beside my usually pre period "I wish I had a boyfriend" phase which is usually where I pick up a random luck this time.

My physics teacher is fucking psycho though. Seriously she is like "normal" one moment and the next she is shrieking at you because you won't draw a fucking vector. Sorry bitter moment, but you draw a STRAIGHT line at a certain degree... sorry if I have been doing this for 5 years and I understand. Wow... I was a little more ranting about that then I thought...

Until The Next Song,