Thursday, February 26, 2009

Zoë's heart belongs in BC

Feeling A Little: Torn
Playing A Little: Girls On the Dance Floor by Far East Movement
Recommending A Little: The Veronicas

Oh god. I have a crush again. Except I haven't seen this boy since I was 10. We have kept in scattered contact but I was talking to him today and oh god we are soul mates. Kay so maybe not soul mates but we do have a ton in common. I seriously have this giant urge now to get to BC and see him again. He meets my height requirements but alas he does not meet my distance requirements... Have you ever just wanted to hug someone again?

I miss our childhood "dating." We once "kissed" I say "kissed" because we were 9 and it was on a dare and on his cheek. I remember his mother like loving us. Aw it makes me miss the days of my childhood. As much as I love everything I have now I miss BC like crazy. I still can tell you exactly how to get to his house from my old house, which is creepy but with a photographic memory possible. I can tell you a lot of things about that town. I think that may be a summer gift to me. BC visit because I miss it like mad lately and I think I deserve a little getaway.

I remember I think for his 8 or 9th birthday I bought him a Ken doll and gave it to him as a prank gift. I had like some transformer/ bionicle thing for an actual present but I remember him telling me he chopped off poor Ken's head. Pretty amusing. I miss him like crazy. I miss my old house. I miss my old life. Sure I would probably not ever be where I am now but I loved where I was... Ah the ifs or buts of life...

He has physics too. Took it over Bio. Can you believe!? Pfft. I'd take Bio over physics in a heart beat. Ha ha I am like a little girl in love. I just miss him like mad. We were like BFFs. I was like another boy in the group. Now I am not so much. We'd even be vampires together. Something I have been searching everywhere for. ;)

Until the Next Song,