Friday, October 3, 2008

In Which I Go On A Rant

Feeling A Little: Blah.
Playing A Little: That Sinking Feeling by Emma- Lee
Recommending A Little: Dirty Sexy Money. An amusing TV show that just gets better as the episodes go on.
Recommending A Little Music: The Cab

This week was very quick. September was even quicker. Now I can officially say the school year has begun when the days begin to melt into weeks and the weeks, months. I can't really complain about that because its not like I mind the school year being over insanely fast. One thing I will complain about is now begins my father's insisting about university and all that crap. Right now I am hiding in my room because after our last argument I really would rather not see him happy. He is being a complete ass about this university thing. He made his mistakes and that is that but I am NOT him. I am completely different and really now I am going to end up in the same boat he is in if he does not stop with all this pressure. Why would I go to school if all I do can be done better? Yes I slack but sometimes I do put my full in and this year I am attempting to do that more. But my father doesn't know how I work even though he tries.

On that he always preaches that I can be anything I want to be, that is something that earns lots of money. I proposed going to study Classics at Cambridge and apparently that is taking the easy way out. Yes I find Latin relatively easy to study but it does get hard at the higher levels, especially since part of classics is Greek and I have no course for Greek. Oh and how am I going to make money with such a degree? Why not work in a place that I fall in love with every time it is on TV? Working at the British Library would be like a dream come true. The history (and dirty underwear, it was what paper was made out of) would be wonderful and true I wouldn't be on my way to being a millionaire working there but I would be happy and have a lifetime supply of books.

French is acceptable though. I could get a high paying job in a French based career, so its fine. I do love french the way it flows and how I could actually get along with it, but Latin has such a history. I love the Roman Empire and Latin helps in history. Sure the French have history but does it stretch thousands of years back, are election slogans still inscribed on walls in french? No and its fun reading about the people, and read old texts in the way they were intended to be read. Maybe I would even rewrite those Latin textbooks, possibly attempt to make the girls look like girls. It would be fun to write those stories too because I swear the people at Oxford were like what would be the oddest thing for Quintus and his father to do? Their answer was obviously standing and staring at a building or having some drunk tell them to go away. Yes Latin most likely will not be making a come back but there is still so much more to learn and a huge part of history is written in it.

Okay. Now I think I am done my rant. It pisses me off though how I have to make tons of money doing what ever I decide to do to be successful. You watch those textbooks will be so fucking fantastic that everyone buys one even if they have no desire to read/learn Latin. Then I will have tons of money. Again I must pull myself from a rant. Basically that is what my week has been like though. One hit after another (don't even ask about that Math test) and Batman is pissed off because I am being too pessimistic. I do believe I have been okay at not revealing too much of how I feel. I have been a tumble of emotions that would most likely cause a huge fight between Batman and I if I was to let them do anything but sit in that corner.

But my week has not been all horribleness because Batman, Instead and I went to a football game. It was an absolute blast. I cannot wait to go to another one. My dedication is not so much that I would go to an away game but it is fun because Instead cheers when his players are hurt and Batman tries to follow the game. I enjoy dancing to the music and getting hit by Batman for being a retard. Twas funny though when the players (2 of them) were dancing on the field. It was quite fun to see that the other players did not find it as funny. High school football games make me feel more teenagerish.

Randomly because this like just happened. My power went off. Tis fun. I should be careful this doesn't get deleted because I have wireless internet so I am no longer connected (the box plugs into the wall). This amusing though because I am sitting in the dark with my laptop as my only light. I have no natural light though because a few weeks ago I smashed a hole in the window. Okay now this is being stupid. I think the power should return now so I can post this insanely long thing.

Before the power was going out I was going to go on this blah thing I have about guys. Maybe it is because I am very self conscious but it is getting slightly annoying. I seem to only be able to talk to gay guys. I don't know what my big deal is about having a boyfriend but it just seems to be the ultimate loserish thing to not date in high school. Okay so realistically I have 2 years to go until I am crowned the ultimate loser but at this rate that crown is totally mine! This is sort of random but every once and a while I just randomly think about things like that.

Okay so the power is still gone so I shall save (on my computer) until it is back but I have blathered on enough.

Until The Next Song,