Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Loner Loser Rant

Feeling A Little: Loner Loserish
Playing A Little: My Freeze Ray by Neil Patrick Harris
Recommending A Little: Dr. Horrible's Sing- A- Long Blog
Recommending A Little Music: The Academy Is... (New and Old)

Okay so I have decided that it would be completely loserish to go through high school without having a boyfriend, even though we would almost definitely break up at the end of grade 12. I have always had this odd thing where I like a guy to like a guy then I tell Batman and I think there is a curse on telling her. He either turns out to be a creepy, or not single. Just my luck eh? But I think I just choose some random guy to have a crush then kind of be like oh that was stupid. Why I feel the need for a boyfriend I don't know but I suppose I would like to actually feel what its like to be in a relationship. Hopefully I am more relationship savvy than eeGore, if he bugs you logic dictates that you break up with him even if you have plans to play a video game 2 weeks from that date.

Any who my love woes are just an odd quirk of mine. Should work on that because really I am just fine in all my wonderful singleness but I don't know I guess it would be nice to be that girl who gushes about her boyfriend or complains because... he forgot the 4 months 2 weeks and 3 day anniversary. Okay well I am probably not very much like that but it just seems so lame not to date in high school.

On another note I am actually speaking to my father again. Of course we had this big long argument which ended with me sobbing and him hugging me. Suppose that is a step up though because it was almost a week since I had last talked to him. We have an odd relationship. Really odd.

Now there was not much more to this blog other than a little loner loser rant. I need to become more normal I think.

Until The Next Song,