Sunday, September 28, 2008

If My Life Was A Book...

Feeling A Little: Content
Playing A Little: Catastrophe by Forever The Sickest Kids
Recommending A Little: Georgia Nicholson by Louise Rennison
Recommending A Little Music: Forever The Sickest Kids

Okay so a friend of mine, Batman (we need nicknames, easier to refer to each other) is forcing me to finish "Stop in the name of pants" which is an amazing book. Although in my reading endeavor I have discovered that if I wrote such a book it would probably be very much along the same lines of that book. Yes I am not often in the bakery of lurve but the insane things my friends and I do would probably equate to such a book. It would probably carry a "R" rating but would oddly be packed full of the same drama. Maybe if it was in the past it would be a slit your wrists sort of book but now? Insanity.

We probably have enough inside jokes to start a new language and can sit around doing nothing and randomly end up with some story. As the years pass we have matured and our jokes I suppose have done the opposite. The sexual innuendos have increased though. The little grade 8 me would probably be shocked to hear me voice half of the things I do. I still restrain myself because really I don't think it would be appropriate for me to reveal some of the things I know. How I obtained my sexual knowledge I suppose is not important, I still seem to have a little prude in me.

I think we even have a little sex scale started too. We have a race right now, Batman obviously in the lead and shall win. Dokkie- is totally in last but Instead is sitting very near to him. I am sure when Instead finds someone and stops wanting perfection will totally surpass our dear Dokkie-. Our Dokkie- kind of, well him and sex, really don't seem to equal out right now. Me and sex. Maybe when I get out of the teenage slump I will get better but I am in no rush and highly doubt that I will win the race to be the first. Mostly because I could care less.

I'll be busy later in life with what seems to be my million and one children. So far the count is 4, Darth, Lionel, Davus and Wolfgang Rolf. Seriously what Batman wants to call them. I suppose if I don't marry a guy named Albus Severus he'll be my 5th. Not very quanzistical but that'll be my brood. This girl at work is like uber excited for me to have kids. I told her to wait 15 years but apparently I am just going to forget school and become a mother. I really do want to be a mother but well I have my fears and not like I had much of a motherly figure.

School seems to be school as always and English is getting more and more unbearable. I am going through my monthly/ random boy thing I go through. I wistfully wish I had a boyfriend, this is usually brought on by facebook updates, songs and books. Having a boyfriend has so many negatives I don't know why on earth I would want one. I suppose my brain really has no control over raging teenage hormones though. Okay on second thought my brain has full control, WTF brain.

I seem to be getting a lot of money too. I babysit, I get a random check from coaching and work pays me. Its wonderful really because I am getting a new nano and of course I need money to buy it and the millions of new songs I am going to cram it full of. I did though accidently on purpose spend like a bazillion dollars at work because we had this big blow out sale. Cannot wait until it is over. Saturday was the busiest day ever and only 2 of us were working. People are retarded the prices went down from $80 to like $20 and people are like well do you get 80% off of that. It was like obviously not we do actually want to earn money from this. I do think my boss should give me extra money for working that day. It was hell literally.

I am running out of things to talk about and do believe that I have filled my quota for this blog. Random crap 99% Introduction lines 1%. Now I bet you are like "wow I wish I could get those 5-10 minutes of my life back." Unfortunately you cannot. I am sorry but I am not magic. Even if I did warn you that this blog was crap you would read it anyways so it would be a waste of internet space.

Until The Next Song,