Friday, November 21, 2008

Internet: Evil, Impersonal and Zombie

Feeling A Little: Virtually Rejected
Playing A Little: Like A Prayer by Rufio
Recommending A Little: Life (The TV show because its fun)
Recommending A Little Music: We the Kings

So I added someone on Facebook and was greatly disappointed when they rejected my friend request. I'm sorry but I have added people that I know by like one friend and maybe one day I said hi to or sat next to during some class but didn't realize they were there. I let them see my deep dark personal life... okay so being pissed off my sister is not really deep or dark but its not something I yell standing on tables. Back to be rejected... it feels nicer on the internet.

Maybe my teacher aunt who apparently hates kids and everything they stand for yet teaches 8th grade, was right. The internet is very impersonal. Now I don't go around internet dating because I sure as hell don't live in Arizona nor have a hot bod and who is to say that 19/m/cal is actually 19 or male. I do have blonde hair though. I am also not a 18 year old living in her own apartment typing in lace panties. Those conversations are fun especially if you make up some obscene costume that makes no sense to wear while on an internet chat room probably talking to some fat, bald 50 year old man.

Internet... It is very impersonal though especially if you never see the person. The rejection feels like oh well I'll get the next "Person You Might Know" It'll make you fall in love all over if you delete a few people. More random people to see if they will add you. I have some random chick in the UK who is my friend. We have never talked or even actually acknologed we are friends. Its an odd internet relationship.

The internet is a weird place full of random people who think they know you and even more random people who think you are lounging around in a matching pink lace panty and bra set while typing to someone that yes of course you will run off and marry them. When really you are eating chocolate in a paint stained pair of sweats and laughing hysterically at the idiocy at people on the internet.

Going on the internet seems to kill brain cells. So stop it. Eat fish while going on the internet to counter act the evil of the internet.

Until The Next Song,