Friday, November 21, 2008

Future May Be Foggy But You Are Definately There

Feeling A Little: Nostalgic
Playing A Little: Thank You For The Music from Mamma Mia
Recommending A Little: Wall-e (The movie rocks man, best in years)

I have just come from reading Batman's blog ( and it in all seriosity made me cry. As much as I do want to get out of this godforsaken town it holds too many memories. I had the best years of my life. Nothing can top my best friends I am sure. Now I cry so much when thinking about leaving because I hear about people at like 50 reconnecting with their friends from high school and I don't want that. I understand everyone goes on to make new friends but seriously mine are the best and I don't want to let them go for some girl who is afraid to tell me exactly what she thinks of me or there to try to mend the biggest problems.

My friends tell me exactly what they think. It is expected. We have our secrets but eventually we discover them and then laugh or go into a deep discussion at 1 in the morning. Everyone changes, people grow apart but if we can stay together through all of this I just hope we can stay together through whatever idiocy lays ahead for us to grow into.

One day we will all have families, including Instead and Dokkie-. One day the sound of little feet will be heard around our houses, some may be puppies or kitties though in the case of the boys. One day we will have a close friend who lives only a few houses down. On that day though I hope after I have tucked up my kids (because well I want them.) I end up video chatting or on the phone with all four. I don't want to let them go and frankly I'm not going to... well maybe if they are like "Zo um Zoe let go right now or I am going to make you and not very nicely."

If we ever do drift apart I'll may even name my kid Lionel or nickname my first one Darth (Its just cruel to make that his name). Actually if we stay close as always I probably will be asleep when the nurse brings the birth certificate and Batman will end up naming him Darth Vader. :D

Friends come and go but mine helped me through the rough patches and helped me patch up old rough patches that are a bitch and just keep coming back. They helped me become who I really am. I was me before but I was just hiding behind my problems and they pushed them out of the way and went stop being an idiot and lets go pickle people. They taught me stupid social rules that make no sense because seriously I really would give someone chocolate after a breakup. If someone gave me chocolate I'd be happy. Come on chocolate. Relationships have stupid rules.

Batman and I are really very much alike. Scarily at times really. I think we are twins that if are too far apart bleed inwardly... sorry needed that Jane Eyre reference. We were both oddly serious but now we can be serious but not all the time. Now we run around throwing pickles at people. I never thought I would ever find that best friend people used to talk about but I found a better one. She is most definately better than my sister.

Now if we ever grow apart I am sure at 80 we'll find out way to the same nursing home and end up on rocking chairs reminding Dokkie- about the Mexican coke bottle and laughing histerically as he still cringes. We'll end up remembering all the good times. We'll end up actually doing Instead's Hot n' Cold dance.

All in all I am scared of losing them but one day if they are ever lost I'll find 'em again. Because friends may come and go but these ones may just be crazy enough to want to hang out together. We can be the crazies in the insane asylum. :D

Until The Next Song,