Thursday, November 13, 2008

In which Zoe is insane and wishes to be a vampire.

Feeling A Little: Sick.
Playing A Little: Never Let You Go by Third Eye Blind
Recommending A Little: True Blood because who doesn't love sexy, blood thirsty vampires.

So I have discovered that in the world of blogs mine frankly is below par. We aren't playing golf either so that's not quite a good thing. Which randomly I must wonder why do we refer to something awesome as above par because par makes me think golf and above par in golf isn't good. Or maybe I am a crazy person who only knows about swimming rules. Any who back to my blog... hmm maybe that is why my blog is lacking I kind of just go off on a random rant. Random rants are fun but mine are out to lunch. Being out to lunch is always fun though... good food.

Okay to my recommendations now that I am done feeling sorry for my poor lonely, cold blog. Being sick in bed gives you a lot of spare time where all you do is lie there and just stare at the ceiling or sleep. Now I do sleep a lot but when sick if I am left to think I think about what ever hurts or is causing me such misery so I watch TV. I watch a lot of really boring, puts me out instantly TV which is good because sleep is good. Unfortunately I found a good TV show. Now shh I watched it on Megavideo and Supernova so it wasn't exactly on TV. Any ways Twilight loving people skip happily ahead and ignore my next paragraph.

Seriously Twilight is like a sucky True Blood. True Blood is all political and has that little "No matter who you are you should have the same rights" message which makes it fun and interesting, especially because everyone has that southern accent. Twilight I suppose is more teenagery but in the end nothing was accomplished. Two people fell in love and had a baby. My parents did the same thing. They are not the most interesting people in the world and maybe the falling out of love would make a good book (my parents are insane literally) but the falling in love is all the same. Okay enough about the boringness. Any who Twilight is all no I can't be in love with a vampire but alas I am and my best friend hates him because he is a werewolf and oh my, my best friend is in love with me. True Blood is like the exact same with the Vampire having insane friends and the girl being so weird its fun. Twilight like stole True Blood and decided to make it less obvious by taking out all the good interesting parts.

Now I sound odd because yes I did once like Twilight but it was my guilty pleasure. It was one of those books that you know is atrocious but it grabs you and holds on until you finish it. Then once your done you walk away thinking that you were insane to read those books. It isn't complex with twists and turns. It is like when you start only reading novels and once in awhile you pick up that picture, childrens book and read it just to be like "YEAH! I totally rock at reading." It makes you feel special because its like the easiest read in the world and so it makes you feel overly smart. Twilight is like that picture book for teens... without pictures... and with overly perfect characters which make you feel no attachment at all.

So yep I have a little bit of this vampire fever. I actually always have had this thing for vampires (not a dirty thing). I watch something with vampires and I have this want to have those fangs I constantly run my tongue over my teeth wishing I had awesome teeth. Yes I would be condemned to spending eternity on earth and have to kill people but I would be awesome forever. Plus I don't think I would get as hung up as some people do on turning people. If I loved the dude he would be a vampire and he could just get over it. If he didn't get over it then he can go pine over some stupid mortal girl and go through that stupid "should I turn them" phase. I would just be like fuck it you're a vampire now get over it. Then I also would be stupid enough to watch anyone I loved dearly die. Like Batman, Instead and Dokkie- would totally be vampires. I think we would be a bunch of pretty sweet vampires too.

Apparently it is Vampire Week in my head... Fun fun. I so wish they had kept Moonlight. Yes they were stupid enough to get the two main characters together within a couple episodes but oh what a stupid 80 year old vampire can do. The vampire fever sure is sweet, because like vampires are ever ugly... or at least the good ones. ;)

Until The Next Song,


Justine said...

If you had vampire-y teeth I'd be kind of frightened.

Actually, I'm kind of frightened now.

Go back to Harry Potter. It was only funny.