Saturday, December 13, 2008

In which Zoe rants about Edward, Luke, Cratippus and Chuck

Feeling A Little: Stressy (In the non Zoe way, its Xmas and hell)
Playing A Little: Jizz in my Pants by The Lonely Island
Recommending A Little: [Title of Show] Its a musical and I have to say the best song is Die Vampire, Die.

I realized the other day that I am in fact that silly teenage girl who fantasizes about that imaginary/famous guy. Chuck Bass is that guy, the TV Chuck Bass because although the book Chuck has a sweet monkey he is a little too weird for me. I seriously did it at first just because it was fun joking with Batman and then... it started. I started like actually planning it out. Then thank god I saw reason. In the form of me doing my really depressed no guy will ever like me thing. Well it was then when I realized that probably not when you are actually convincing yourself that you are inexplicably in love with a fictional character. So life lesson... whatever number we are all it, like 8993, fictional characters are there to be drooled at not to marry you. You are never going to marry them. If you do kudos, make sure to have that lawyer on speed dial when he realizes how creepy in love you are with him. Edward Cullen, girls does not exist. If he did he is so perfect you would probably kick his ass for being such a jerk.

On the Edward Cullen kick, which sadly I paid into for a Christmas present, why does he sound so attractive to so many. Like my favorite, I wish he was real guy is Luke Brandon. God knows he isn't perfect, come on he married Becky Bloomwood! Any ways he is the sweetest guy ever to put up with her and he just is perfect. But not in the creepy Edward Cullen way. Edward Cullen is described as being absolutely perfect. He doesn't want to harm Bella, he would sacrifice everything for her, including the romance. Who wants someone like that? I want Luke Brandon who like freaks on his ex for making his wife upset, while his wife is faking labour mind you. Edward just scowls and does nothing. Or watches his wife basically dying in birth.

I just think that being Edward Cullen should not be expected of boyfriends. I wouldn't want an Edward Cullen, maybe for like 2 seconds but all his whining and "I'm too dangerous" would get to me and I don't care if I broke my hand I would punch him in the face just for the satisfaction. He is supposed to be uber sexy but maybe its just me but cold, white skin is kind of a turn off. The eye thing is pretty sweet but he sounds really annoying. To see the full extent of his annoyingness read: "New Moon." He just tones it down in the other 3.

Now enough of my blathering about guys, fictional ones at that. I have begin to become recreepy again and imagining weird situations in which I meet my Cratippus (future husband, with a different name obviously). It ends with me imagining my little boys (no girls sadly it is forseen). Weirdly enough they have kind of taken a presence in my mind. My little Darth, Lionel, Davus and Wolfgang Rolf. I actually like really want 4 little boys now. Bizzare right.

Until The Next Song,