Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I Don't Want To Make Her Happy

Feeling A Little: Annoyed
Playing A Little: All My Loving by Jim Sturgess (Across the Universe)
Recommending A Little: Watch Greek is all I can say. Awesome show.
Recommending A Little Music: Taylor Swift

I am seriously getting a little annoyed. Did not know there was a Viagra site, and never particularly wanted to. Yet everyday I get an email about how I could be rock hard again and make her happy. It is a little annoying because it gets delivered right to my inbox no matter how hard I try to convince hotmail it is in fact unwanted.

Anywho there was not much more to this blog other than me having to rant about those ridiculous emails. I have recently discovered though that Taylor Swift is coming out with a new album in November. Having listened to her since Tim McGraw first came out I greatly enjoy her music. I am not really a Romeo and Juliet fan type person because Romeo is a retard, but her new Love Story song is wonderful! I did enjoy Teardrops on my Guitar and really have enjoyed Our Song since her album came out.

Totally going to a new paragraph and everything I need to address something that bugs me greatly. Why is it that as soon as a video is played on basically any channel for a song that song is the new it thing? Like I had heard these songs on the radio a few times but once it hit TV BAM! hit. Although All Time Low has yet to make it big and I would like them too so I can get a new fucking CD. A little emotional about my favorite band there.

Wow this is like one of the first times this blog is actually about music. :D It is really surprising. Now watch I cursed it and will have to change the name to "OMG I LOVE THE JONAS BROTHERS!" and only bather about them. Uck. If I ever do that leave angry comments.

So the other day I was watching Brokeback Mountain because well I had never seen it and well wanted to know what the fuss is about. Oh my I wish I had watched it when Heath Ledger was alive because I would have doubled my stalking. The movie made like no sense maybe it was because Batman was hollering from the next room or maybe it was because Fruitopia was brushing my hair and talking about who knows what but all I know was I saw a lot of naked people. Some naked people I really did not actually ever want to see, clothed or naked.

Now for some more cursing I totally did my nails in a super cute french manicure and they look so pretty. I am proud I managed to grow them out and hopefully break my nail biting habit. Horrible habit by the way that I only started because I thought it hurt when you cut them. I was 6, cutting hair hurt. But now hopefully I broke the habit.

I really wish I could invent a time machine and visit the past me. Actually that might hurt though. I would totally slap myself. When I was younger all I cared about was that my clothes were clean and easy to get dirty and I was flexible on the clean part. Now my clothes have to be clean, my nails nice and painted, makeup on and my hair done. Back then I could care less what I looked like, now I really do wish to look nice and love being told I smell nice (that seems to come naturally though...).

Now without an outro:

Until The Next Song,