Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Its Coming Rough and Fast Hold Onto Your Hats

Feeling A Little: Antsy
Playing A Little: Don't Trust Me by 3Oh!3
Recommending A Little: Mayday Parade

So I was sitting in my room doing my Latin final exam and wow. It like just sunk in. I am never going to be doing this again. Next year I will be finishing school. I'll be cramming for exams but hopefully with a letter in hand. Next year I will have worry about my marks but after that I am done. No more stress about getting into university or getting this or that scholarship. Yes I will be in hyper freak out mode but I won't be able to do anything. I might be able to read a book... in a reasonable amount of time.

I change my university plans like every 30 seconds (my career has yet to be decided). Right now Dartmouth and I think that one may be staying. Ridiculously good school, costs are low and I have a good chance of making it in (okay upping a few percent maybe a good idea). And I am going to lock in my answer there (I needed to say that once in my life. I will never be on a game show so...). I even have the A-okay from my dad who is all go for it! And I got rid of McGill. Only one (or two) Canadian schools and like 5 million American one (kay 3) and UK ones (Only 2 of those... or 4. Shhh).

I actually am a little optimistic that they won't be all "Oh. My. God. Look at this Canadian girl who is trying to get in with a 93%! ha ha ha" I am working on relaxing but like this new, getting things done and on time thing. Sure I have essentially given up any social life but I am sure I can gain that back in a retirement home.

This next year is going to rough and fast but I am ready for the challenge. I have my tool belt on so Bring It. Crammed full of tests, essays and stress to the sky but this is the home stretch and no way in hell am I giving up. Come on I am Zoë. If I give up what chance do the rest of you have. :D Just kidding. You probably still have a little chance. I am a little excited for this new challenge... The first step to this would probably be getting through this Latin final exam....

Until The Next Song,
~Now smiling creepily that only ONE year left!~