Monday, January 19, 2009

Lovin' Some of that Biology

Feeling A Little: In Love
Playing A Little: Katie And I by Kill Paradise
Recommending A Little: Jack's Mannequin

I think I believe in love at first sight. Okay so it is more like infatuation with an absolutely godly boy but its love. He smiled and I think I died a little inside because he wasn't mine. Its a weird thing because now I doubt he and I will ever meet again but I know if we do, love. Right there. He can be my little Darth's daddy. :P Won't have the dark hair I imagine him with but still... He will be the cutest little boy ever. He may be in my physics class if god loves me enough. I know people in all my classes but physics so I decided that there should be a hot guy who happens to fall for me.

I have Socks in my chem. class which will be uber amusing. She and I never work together (we stand at the till and chat) so it maybe a bad combination. We are soul mates seriously. She teases me about how I am going to be the best mom and I tease her about her inability to take off socks in a sexual manner (hence...Socks).

I feel so grown'd up now because I have to keep a calendar. Seriously. I'd like die without it because I have something everyday of the week, Socks is making me take Fusion classes on my usual off day. I am going to like explode next year I think, trying out for a play with Instead (although my acting skills are a little iffy), volunteering, working and school. Woah. Right now its everything minus a play plus a couple million courses. Of course this is all so I can slack for a semester...

Dartmouth is the current school of choice because it has everything I want plus financial aid although I am a little sad I will have to wait 4 years until England. My career is scary though because I just took a Biology exam... so logically I should be sick of Biology right? Wrong I totally want to do it forever. Maybe a doctor but I like can suddenly see me in research. One day I'll have a career and it will be a surprise to everyone inculding me. I also am awesome at guessing (there was these questions on muscles and I was like I don't even know what half those words mean so I chose the one I liked the most reticulum. And I won! Yay!) So now I am back to crossing my fingers and toes for 100%.

Until the Next Song,

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Its Coming Rough and Fast Hold Onto Your Hats

Feeling A Little: Antsy
Playing A Little: Don't Trust Me by 3Oh!3
Recommending A Little: Mayday Parade

So I was sitting in my room doing my Latin final exam and wow. It like just sunk in. I am never going to be doing this again. Next year I will be finishing school. I'll be cramming for exams but hopefully with a letter in hand. Next year I will have worry about my marks but after that I am done. No more stress about getting into university or getting this or that scholarship. Yes I will be in hyper freak out mode but I won't be able to do anything. I might be able to read a book... in a reasonable amount of time.

I change my university plans like every 30 seconds (my career has yet to be decided). Right now Dartmouth and I think that one may be staying. Ridiculously good school, costs are low and I have a good chance of making it in (okay upping a few percent maybe a good idea). And I am going to lock in my answer there (I needed to say that once in my life. I will never be on a game show so...). I even have the A-okay from my dad who is all go for it! And I got rid of McGill. Only one (or two) Canadian schools and like 5 million American one (kay 3) and UK ones (Only 2 of those... or 4. Shhh).

I actually am a little optimistic that they won't be all "Oh. My. God. Look at this Canadian girl who is trying to get in with a 93%! ha ha ha" I am working on relaxing but like this new, getting things done and on time thing. Sure I have essentially given up any social life but I am sure I can gain that back in a retirement home.

This next year is going to rough and fast but I am ready for the challenge. I have my tool belt on so Bring It. Crammed full of tests, essays and stress to the sky but this is the home stretch and no way in hell am I giving up. Come on I am Zoë. If I give up what chance do the rest of you have. :D Just kidding. You probably still have a little chance. I am a little excited for this new challenge... The first step to this would probably be getting through this Latin final exam....

Until The Next Song,
~Now smiling creepily that only ONE year left!~

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why must I always be in love?!

Feeling A Little: Overly Optimistic
Playing A Little: Camera Shy by School Boy Humor
Recommending A Little: Marianas Trench

Why is it mandatory to have a crush? I don't understand it. When I have a crush it is dead obvious yet my friends poke and prod when I say I don't and I literally don't. I usually tell them. Sure I have a few that I am kind of like I like that guy then its like gone the next day. Those I don't bother with. See when I have a crush I am uber stalkerish. Usually because being uber stalkerish means I can get rid of them faster. Crushes are another thought that is useless because where will it go... no where. I highly doubt that in high school I will find my future baby daddy/husband.

I know I know. High school is for testing the waters. How about I test the waters in a place that I wouldn't mind diving into... University. I don't want to settle down in most of the places where the universities I want to go to are situated but if I do end up living there I will live. My current location isn't even considered as a safety net. Its not even considered if I get knocked up and drop out. I'd live anywhere over here. Cold miserable winters and oil country. Blah.

On the topic of getting knocked up it is just crawling closer to me. At first it was random people, then it was random people who I talked to, then people I saw daily and went to school with (when they were there.) then people I used to work with and struck up some sort of friendship but not thing. Next thing I know I'll be toting around a little one... Kay well several things need to come before that but maybe I'll be the next Mary. It just sounds freaky being pregnant. Come on its like there is cell divison occuring and magically it makes a baby. I think it actually is magic. Then poof (most mothers will probably dispute that it is easy as poof) you have a kid. But first its like you have a little alien kicking your insides for 9 months. Sounds like a blast. Not.

Anywho away from my new creepy obsession with pregnancy. I have offically yet unoffically decided on what school I can afford to go to and wish to. Dartmouth. They have this awesome financial aid thing and this sweet Latin program. But with University comes my uber stress. I am now freaking out about what ifs. Like what if I like fall in love or some silly nonsense like that and end up stuck in New Hampshire? Or what if I never get to England ever! I am just being worried over weird things like that. I need to not but it is me.

It is really exciting that this is only a year and a half away. Like when I register for grade 12 that will be the last time I ever do that. Then I am off to University!! That is like my life goal. The closer it gets the more excited/nervous/ scared, I get. Like I think after university I will just die because of the effort of getting there.

Until The Next Song,