Sunday, August 24, 2008

Approximatly 9 Days And Counting

Feeling A Little: Overwhelmed
Playing A Little: For Jo by RiddleTM
Recommending A Little: Dexter (Although its not music it is an awesome show)
Recommending A Little
Music: Cute Is What We Aim For (One of those bands that not all songs are awesome but Risque has to be my favorite)

So many are back in school and others have a restless night ahead before their first day tomorrow. For me I have as stated in the title 9 days, I go back September 3. My days are spent fiddling with those brand new notebooks and binders. I eagerly wait for that day I can use those new pens of mine. Of course only moments I am hit with the thought of all those people. In the summer I put away my school mask and am never eager to pull it back out. I'm not a perfect princess and no I really don't fucking care if your cat died last night and that's why your essay is late. I don't want to have to put on my "Yes I am a bloody genius" mask. I enjoy being the silly person I am outside school.

Now don't get me wrong. I love to learn. I love school just not my school and just not the people. I hate pretending like I care about those people in my class when really if I had the chance I would kick them out or stab them with a knife to get rid of them. They bug me, disturb me when I would rather have the teacher just keep talking and not stop and back track if someone doesn't get the concept. If I don't get the concept I hardly think the time to ask is in the middle of an explanation. After class is when I ask. The teacher then can expand give more details make the info stick.

Well enough on school. Now onto music. A few days ago MTV did a special thing on Wizard Rock (A favorite non commercial genre of mine) and Twilight er TwiRock. I know by just mentioning Alex Carpenter's Hannah Montana comment has many people hating my guts never mind that I am now going to state my opinion. Wizard Rock is on a proper book, a book that now is used in curriculums because it is true literature. Harry Potter made history, Harry Potter's pages are full of plots twisting and turning and words forming many literary "YES!"s. Twilight I must agree with Alex Carpenter is like Hannah Montana, catchy and will get stuck in your head but there isn't a dynamic to it. It's not complicated, it doesn't get you thinking. There is no world full of theory there is only a world full of teenage love, and the kind that teaches no lessons. I confess I have read the books and I came out no different than I did going in, well I did realize that if some guy is as mentally retarded as Edward Cullen we are broken up. After reading Harry Potter I learnt, maybe nothing new but my views on the world were expanded and cleared up. Maybe its because I grew up with Harry at my side but he grew up with me, the Cullens and Bella never learnt a lesson, never changed. With that I agree very much with Alex Carpenter, Harry Potter is a literary masterpiece, Twilight is nothing more than pop art that in a few years will be forgotten.

From MTV to literary masterpieces it is easy to see I can't stay on topic. Now what I was going to talk about that stupid feud the media wants, well they have gotten to about the same place they started from. Harry Potter fans will forever hold Harry Potter in their heart but many are Twilight fans. Twilight fans may not ever have the connection us Potter heads have to J.K. Rowlings books but they love their books and they respect that yes Harry Potter fans feel the same way. We fans aren't blood thirsty book hounds that must have our books be number one. If Harry Potter stayed in the same amount of fame it did when I first picked up the series I would be fine, alone but fine. Both books are completely different and one may be better than the other (you know my opinion) but the fans understand each others connection to their book series and respect that. Although I am a little peeved that the media insists that Twilight will beat Harry Potter (lets see best selling book of all history vs. another famous book series, did Lemony Snicket win? No but those are wicked ass books!)

This seems to be a very nerdy blog so I will leave it at that. Now go check out some wizard rock (may I suggest RiddleTM? They are wonderful and AMAZING singers) or if you're a twilight fan some twirock. Come on though pick a new genre and try the opposite, why not take a break from Harry and the Potters and check out the Bella Cullen Project or trade Be Safe Bella for some of the Remus Lupins. And get along we only have each other.

Until The Next Song

Now I leave you with The Remus Lupins' Alex Carpenter's wonderful words, "Lets all move on and read His Dark Materials and just love each other."