Friday, July 25, 2008

August Looms

Feeling A Little: Tired
Playing A Little: Manic Monday as covered by Relient k (the original rocks as well)
Recommending A Little: Relient k, with their newish CD. Check it out.

I am over worked and tired. Covering a shifts for people who unlike me can get out of town. My shoulders ache and my feet are telling me that they will pull out a gun if I stand. I am not tired enough to sleep though. Oh no I think I passed that point... uh 2 days ago. No instead I wait for the hour to come where I pass out only to wake to the ringing of my alarm signaling me to get up on a Saturday in the middle of the summer and work, on my day off. This week days off only seem like a distant dream. I know people work just as much as me and they don't complain as much as me but as a teenage I prefer to sleep in. Plus I am the type of person who would rather sit in her room blaring music and reading.

I love my job but its too tedious. I need something to change. Everyday its the same thing, not that I do said same thing but still. Actually I do the same thing in half the time it is expected of me and I am left with not much to do but chat. It tends to prove difficult to when you work with a former enemy of yours and a girl who surprises you everyday that she can tie her shoes. But I am not saying that I would prefer school.

Oh school can be enjoyable mostly because my friends and I cause havoc and torture teachers. I love learning but not in my school. I swear they took a prison, went this would make a nice school and then had someone puke on the floors just to add a little colour. Some of the teachers can be nice (after a little training in the ways of an unusual mind) but others are dull and teach you nothing. Additionally there is all the useless homework.

Enough about being trapped in school even though August looms drawing closer with each passing day and that exciting first day and dreary second day drawing closer with it. I find my days packed with things I want to do, like applying to some of those amusing play this game and apply for a scholarship things. None of it getting done as I am forced out of bed at ungodly hours to go work. Then at home I pass out again. It seems a lot like a school year and I don't like that. Not at all. So I am going to stop. Knowing me at the end of August because I want to make a ton of money to blow for clothes shopping. I need new converses.

Now I am blathering on and on which is actually nice because everyone I want to talk to is out of town. Stupid father keep me at home. I never do anything exciting, other than going to Europe. Of course if someone offered to take me to Europe I would literally kill someone for it. I loved it the first time. Okay well this paragraph began about me blathering on and I continued. That is the way I am.

Until the next song,