Monday, September 7, 2009

Don't Add Random People On MSN That Add You

Feeling A Little: At Capacity
Playing A Little: Songs About You by Lena Gabrielle
Recommending A Little: Owl City (Do it. I love him)

So I was MSN and this guy added me. Obviously because I was on drugs I added him. Bad idea. He wanted sex. Not surprising but I played along. Bad idea again. I ended up blocking him when he started planning the rape of me. That was terrible. Lincoln found it hilarious because they weren't serious but seriously no. Not exactly something you want to think of especially with a creepy boy in Calgary that I have no clue who he is.

I am now organizing a Quiddich match. It'll be amazing I am sure. With Justine. Yeah the Justine, from... well read old blog posts they are terrible enough. I'm a little scared to read them again. I was crazy beans and I feel like I took a deep breath and was like "no" and reprimanded myself. Either that or I grew up, but that could never be. :P Actually it feels like we hit a terrible bump in our relationship (It was like my sister's bump that BENT my front wheel of my bike). I always feel weird because literally our relationship is like that of a couple (sans the romance. I'm sorry Justine but I do NOT want to make out with you.) But I'm actually (that word makes the best intentions sound TERRIBLE) very happy that we are back to something closer to what we had. I was fucking nuts I'm happy I sorted it out.

Now time to send it all crashing down! *evil laugh* Just kidding. Or am I? I think I am. Or I hope I am. I'm am going to be so busy its insane but I'll work it out. hopefully. Plus I've gotten so uber organized I hopefully won't forget things.

Until the Next Song,