Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Chillin' Like A Villian For A Year Instead Of Education

Feeling A Little: Stressed
Playing A Little: Parking Lot Romance by A Day Away
Recommending A Little: Love Drunk (New CD from Boys Like Girls. I love it)

OMG two weeks I know. What were you doing with your lives without me? :P Probably not wasting 10 minutes of your life. I bug Justine to update and then she starts and I stop. I do have an excuse though and another post. :D My internet was down. Stupid Telus. A week without internet. I think a part of me actually died a little inside. :( But its back and I'm not doing Social to write this. :D Oh yeah I'm taking that by correspondence now, I did an assignment though so I think that should be enough. (I built a webpage, what a hardship.)

This is entirely Justine's fault. I was ranting about how there was no hot new guy in Physics and then I was forced to admit that perhaps maybe Clinton was attractive. Now that manifested. So I facebook stalked him (not ashamed its me. :P) and he's single compared to me thinking he was dating someone. Now sure facebook doesn't tell all but girls are scary and I think 6+ months into the relationship such should change. Perhaps I need to do some personal stalking. God. I'm fucking creepy. I need to work on this. I suppose I should just be content with sharing protractors. But I'm not, he's tall, funny and attractive and I want him. If I can't get my fantasy guys then why can't I get the attractive one who sits in front of me... (A: Because I'm Zoe Vatter I can't be that lucky)

Ah! I just got my social textbook. I'm going to throw myself into this course to get it done. I will get it done and graduate. Sure the sims doesn't help but I had done an assignment and taken notes. :D If need be I'll assign myself homework or spend all day Sunday doing it. I'm fucking graduating. I will. Plus really if I don't get done by January there is oddly a diploma in April. Weird right? But it maybe because of this weird restructuring of Albertan high schools.

I'm being so creepily overly organized these days. I have so much going on I don't want to forget anything. Like I have when my university applications open in my agenda. Definitely do not want to forget to apply for that. :D I'd be fucked. Oddly enough I've started to consider not going to university... I think its all too much for me now... Perhaps I'll do Katimavik. It looks like an interesting year off. We'll see what Garret says. :D

Until the Next Song,

Monday, September 7, 2009

Don't Add Random People On MSN That Add You

Feeling A Little: At Capacity
Playing A Little: Songs About You by Lena Gabrielle
Recommending A Little: Owl City (Do it. I love him)

So I was MSN and this guy added me. Obviously because I was on drugs I added him. Bad idea. He wanted sex. Not surprising but I played along. Bad idea again. I ended up blocking him when he started planning the rape of me. That was terrible. Lincoln found it hilarious because they weren't serious but seriously no. Not exactly something you want to think of especially with a creepy boy in Calgary that I have no clue who he is.

I am now organizing a Quiddich match. It'll be amazing I am sure. With Justine. Yeah the Justine, from... well read old blog posts they are terrible enough. I'm a little scared to read them again. I was crazy beans and I feel like I took a deep breath and was like "no" and reprimanded myself. Either that or I grew up, but that could never be. :P Actually it feels like we hit a terrible bump in our relationship (It was like my sister's bump that BENT my front wheel of my bike). I always feel weird because literally our relationship is like that of a couple (sans the romance. I'm sorry Justine but I do NOT want to make out with you.) But I'm actually (that word makes the best intentions sound TERRIBLE) very happy that we are back to something closer to what we had. I was fucking nuts I'm happy I sorted it out.

Now time to send it all crashing down! *evil laugh* Just kidding. Or am I? I think I am. Or I hope I am. I'm am going to be so busy its insane but I'll work it out. hopefully. Plus I've gotten so uber organized I hopefully won't forget things.

Until the Next Song,

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bitchin' Zoe and OMGing

Feeling A Little: Happy. :)
Playing A Little: Punk Rock Princess by Something Corporate
Recommending A Little: Ten Second Epic

"I want to do you on the kitchen table." Seriously I do. Even if you are terrible like Mr. Darcy and a huge asshole only to turn around and not be. I don't understand the appeal of old romances. But on that topic I think I am a teenage boy. Or maybe girls are just like teenage boys but we keep it under lock. I just have this crazy desire to have sex. Like badly. I suppose that is called horny but I don't like it because half the time I am like "Go.... aw no boy" then the other half of the time I am like "No. Gawd no one wants to look at me." And I do my body image hating thing, usually sans the gawd because I don't say that.

Oh on boys... :( No super hot new boy in my Physics class to sweep me off my feet. We were told to talk to lonely people and I did not because there were no super hot new boys to console in their loneliness. In fact no super hot boys in any of my classes. I mean I'd even take one in Social but I did the scope and nope. :( So single for another year. I enjoy the fact that I plan out my singledom. I suppose perhaps if a nice, doesn't even have to be super hot, funny guy asked me out or I happened to crush on one and it worked out but I've decided to be okay with the fact I am now single and shall be for another year... or more. I'll just jump the first single guy I see in university. He won't mind I am sure.

On university. *sigh* MONEY. Fuck it I say. I'll go work on the street if I have to. I'll sell all my books on eBay.... Hmm never actually thought of that. I should as I do need the money badly and I'm sure to have at least a $1000 worth of books. Sell my DVDs. Good god I am going to sell everything if I have to. Then take up another job. I will. I'll work everyday of the week if I have to. I am going to god damn Nova Scotia. I know crazy far away but right now its seems appealing and its just a little more expensive (Just for flight costs). OR Kingston Ontario because my lover just came on.

OMG. So I kind of was in the middle of my blog when this happened... And you needed to know that badly. :P HE CAME ONLINE! 3 weeks and before that one night after 2 weeks. He's been dying apparently, so I'm pleased he is alive. He makes me feel... exceedingly naughty but also... stupidly girl and giggly. I like it. I like him. *rubs hands together* Time for an X rated chat. :P He makes me smile and so I'm happy. And I can't OMGing. Its nice to talk to him again. :D

So off of boys school... Its awesome actually. I love 3/4 classes. The fourth I've decided to be the little hell child I was in English 10 because I hate my teacher. I'm actually really excited. I mean seriously she is so stupid its not even funny so I'm excited to argue because excuse me for some cockiness but I rock in social. Especially this crap that we are doing. Thank you daddy. Its what I get from arguing with my dad and talking to him (the news or BNN is always in the background). So I'm not going to talk any crap and argue at every turn and ignore all etiquette for class. Get ready because she arrives tomorrow. :D

So today rocked my socks actually a lot. I loved it. This year is going to go by so quickly and 2 weeks until I can start my university applications. :D So lets do this shit. Get another job lickity split and get some $$$. I'm going to do this whether my father thinks I can or not. I don't care if I have to get only 4 hours asleep at night. I gave up on one of my big dreams I'm not going to give up on this one.

Until the Next Song,