Saturday, August 22, 2009

Show Off The Ladies For Some $$$

Feeling A Little: Tired
Playing A Little: IDGAF by Blood on the Dance Floor and IDGAF by Breathe Carolina.
Recommending A Little: OMFG Sneak Peak! by Blood on the Dance Floor and Hello Fascination by Breathe Carolina (Both fricken awesome CDs.)

So I'm in trouble for not having enough money to eat... In 3 years time. I wasn't actually aware I had to plan that far ahead. Apparently since right now I don't have money because I just got a car, had to pay for food this summer and tried to make it my last awesome summer I'm going to starve in university. Frankly I spent $30 on groceries a week. I don't eat much. Crystal Light, chicken/salmon and some sort of vegetable and chicken stock and I am good. Sure its not the most healthy of diets but what are vitamins for. :P Plus I'm going to work throughout University. Its not like as soon as high school is done money stops coming in.

I'm going to work at Hooters of course. Show off the ladies for some money. ;) I'd make a few bucks I'm sure. I'm actually considering training in Home Health Care in my second semester because having that is A) Good for med school and B) I'd make more money doing next to nothing. Being nice to old people. I can do that. Although now I'm seriously considering being a waitress hard work I know but I get tips. Those can feed me. :P I'm not sure anymore.

Pretty soon I'm going to have a mini meltdown. One year away and my dad feels like reminding me every day that I have no money, that I need to save. I know that. But I'm also going to get scholarships. Its just too much pressure for me. I mean I have more bills added every month. This year might be easier to save though. I'm going to be uber nerd and just work a ton. I mean I need to. Coaching is easy though. Same mentality as last semester, push through and get it done. Once this semester is done its slack time. I mean no offense to Shoppers but its not a hard job. I usually get things done pretty quick, then slack.

Looking back though I'm kind of curious about what this year will bring. I mean I earned some amazing friends this year but lost a best friend. One of my worst fears. I grew up. I somewhat shook my super crazy Harry Potter obsession (still can tell you scary facts except I totally forgot Alicia's last name was Spinnet. Stupid me. :P). I changed a lot. I embraced me more, I learnt to grow up a bit and admit my mistakes. The past year was riddled with regrets but those were over powered by the amazing adventures I've had and the obstacles I have overcome. I feel like a fricken drug addict but 8 months now. :D 8 months since my last breakdown, since my last craziness (I mean the depression craziness I'll always be crazy.), since my last appointment. I'm allowed to be a little proud. :D

This year is going to be awesome whether it wants to or not. I will make it. It has no choice. :D Even if it sucks balls I'm still graduating so it'll rock regardless. Grad 2010. Hahaha I'm definitely the coolest kid on the BLOCK!

Until the Next Song,