Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Needed: Boy To Snog and Shag ;)

Feeling A Little: Alone
Playing A Little: Kiss The Girl by Ashley Tisdale (Haha yeah I love Disneymania CDs)
Recommending A Little: The Craving (I do adore Hugh Mitchell)

I was watching 10 Thing I Hate About You and there was a school dance and it made me sad. I mean I've been to one high school dance I ended up grinding with Lincoln much to my dismay. Seriously that was uncomfortable, mostly because it was awkward and my first time. Then there was the slow dance with Garret... :D Oh that was awkward just because neither one of us could do it. You think after 4 years of school taught dance I'd know where my hands go. I just don't do dances and sometimes I wish I did. I mean the dates, the dancing horribly together. I just kind of wish I was better with boys...

Sure I shouldn't worry but I do. I mean I feel awfully lame not having dated at all in high school. I've done a lot of other wonderful things but the romantic teenage girl in me just wants a date. I kind of don't want to be the prude virgin girl who has never been kissed in university. Not that I want to rush out and just have sex with any guy willing but I want to date. I want to explore that world. This mood will pass soon but right now I feel really really uncool and cliche-ly nerdy. I suppose I should be happy I haven't been subjected to the boys here. :D The good looking ones are jerks or taken, and the rest are ugly and covered in grease because their goal is the oil fields, or they are ugly, clean and stupid. Its my imagination wanting one thing to come true.

^ That is what I get when I watch a chick flick while PMSing. Terrible combination. Although I learnt that it is a good thing I didn't read Pride and Prejudice. Seriously I think it was Jane Eyre all over. I suppose Mr. Darcy is slightly more attractive than the Snape look alike. Haha I suppose I shouldn't insult him because I'm marrying Snope. I love that movie. Stardust. :P I was watching the movie with my sister and making jokes about Mr. Darcy wanting to do her on the kitchen table and it came true. Seriously end of the movie they were making out on a table (it was sweet because he did that "Mrs. Darcy *kiss*, Mrs. Darcy *kiss*" thing that I think is awfully romantic). I think I may just have a kitchen table fetish though. :P Is that even a fetish? I'll google it.

That was a very chick blog. :D I am allowed my moments though. I could go on to lament about how two of my friends are ditching me for everywhere in Canada but Alberta. :( But I won't because that will probably come in October when Garret leaves. That actually makes me very sad because we got to be very good friends in such a short time. Seriously I met him... 3ish months ago and it feels like so much longer. :D But I'll save it all for a special blog just for me complaining about being ditched.

Okay so away from my sob story of a love life. School is in less than a week. I'm starting to regret wanting it. I mean I'll have to work my ass off again. *sigh* Not excited. At least everything is spread out a bit though so I won't have all my sciences along with social in one semester. I suppose I'll just have to actually do homework this year. :D But I really wrote this blog to whine about my lack of love life so I'm going to end it. We can talk abut school another day.

Until the Next Song,