Monday, July 6, 2009

Naughty Dirty Sex Kitten (Zoë...? :P)

Feeling A Little: :D Smiling.
Playing A Little: The Sign by Teen Hearts
Recommending A Little: Rancid

So first day in the lab. That was the longest day I have ever had in my life. 7 hours reading the same 21 pages over and over. By the end I am sure I know every word, just not what every word means. :D But its like the most lax lab ever. One... er two with mine lab coats and no one knows where the safety goggles are. :D Dangerous. But rats! That's going to fun and cute I am sure... Because I don't think I have to kill them, humanely of course. But thank goodness.

Argh! I want my campus card now! Parking is so expensive when you can't prove you are staff and my payroll info is still not through. :( I want to swim for free and park for cheap. I need to get in shape before my roll in the hay. ;)

... and that brings me to the boy. The boy that its terrible but I would seriously sleep with him. He is nice, 17, and from Ontario. I know bummer. But he has an English accent... or so I am told. I adore our conversations. Its innuendo after innuendo. He's fun to talk to because unlike most boys he plays back. Other boys are like oh okay, then change the subject, or are gay. I don't think its exactly cybering but its getting pretty damn close at times. We have scenarios just not exceeding detailed ones. He's "my toy" and I'm his "sex kitten." God I never thought the internet could bring me such joy. But that's weird because he lives across the country.

Buuut back to work. It'll be fun when I get into it but today was exceedingly dull. Like fall asleep dull, which I did. Hopefully tomorrow I can stay awake but again I am up late talking to my darling toy. ;) Even if it doesn't get better I can suffer through boredom for education and that reference letter. This blog was short but I'm off having other conversations now. ;)

Until the Next Song,