Saturday, July 18, 2009

Enamored, Exams and Naked Boys

Feeling A Little: Mellow
Playing A Little: Brahsky (I Hate You) by The Maddigans
Recommending A Little: The Maddigans (And some partying with Aerial Underground)

This boy is driving me mad. I want him so badly but he is across the country. Why on earth does the only boy who takes an interest in me have to live in Ontario? Oh and he's English so uhhh I'm so weak in the knees whenever he says mate or brilliant. Why cruel world must you be even more cruel? I'd do anything for my crush back home to pay me the same attention. Sure he talks to me but do I get a "hot stuff" or a "sweet dreams, hun" when I sign on or off. No I get a "hi." and a "Bye" It just doesn't compare. We even do the corny <3 thing at the end of our conversations...

Argh and so I was like "I'm too lazy to do my SATs" so I didn't do them and just won't go to the US... but I WANT to go to the UK... guess what! More tests. I have to take my BioMedical Assesment Test (BMAT). This November. I'm making sure I have both my sciences then. They are like MCATs but not after a few years as an undergrad which I suppose is a blessing and a curse. Once I'm in I'm in but I also have to study my ass off. Like I need 110% to make up for my lacking grades... Oh why didn't I work in class... Because I'm a lazy ass. :P But I've kind of gotten psyched about it. Finally settling down and deciding on a career.

Then I am just a party animal... when I'm not lame at home. Seriously I went out and got drunk again. I was very responsible this time and handed my glasses and keys to Garret. A little confused about the keys seeing as we were out in the country. Then I spent too much time explaining why people called him Gary not Garret. Oh I love my drunken stories... I also like how he didn't mind. Which is sweet. :D Oh and naked men again! Haha I just see a lot of them apparently.

Then I got to dissect a rat! Killed the brain stem :( But its a fickle thing, one poke and poof gone. Plus I apparently did very well for not needing any instruction the second time round. :D Its really neat being in the lab... Okay so it can get really boring like now and I write blog posts but haha. This one's been sitting forever waiting for me to finish so I've decided to finish it... And of course start another. :D

Until the Next Song,